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Harpers pov

It has been 3 hours since the incident. I remember I was sitting on the couch staring at the camera for about half an hour. I wasn't even focusing on the camera, I just sat there while a war was going on inside my head. Everything around me was silent. And everything still felt like it was in slow motion.
After what felt like a decade i faced reality and looked around. Nothing felt real tho.

I looked over at Gabriela, she sat on the floor with a bottle next to her, I never saw her this wasted. She slowly waved the bottle around and took a sip out of it.
"It's my fault." Gabriela said.

"Do you killed him.?" Elena said looking directly at Gabriela.

Gabrielas eyes widened "Elena. What the fuck you stupid cunt-" Gabriela threw the bottle on the floor and quickly got up to grab Elena by her shirt "YOU THINK I WOULD KILL MY FUCKING BOYFRIEND!" Gabriela pushed Elena against the wall "GABRIELA WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING YOU FUCKING PSYCHO!" Elena said trying to push Gabriela off of her

Matt quickly grabbed Gabriela off of Elena "fuck you matt stay out of this! ELENA KILLED HIM I KNOW YOU FUCKING DID YOU STUPID BITCH! AND YOUR BLAMING IT ON ME!" Gabriela said struggling to get out of matts grasp

"That's fucked up Gabriela." Sage said

"WHAT." Gabriela froze looking at sage "WHTS FUCKED UP! HUH" Gabriela continued

"Your the last person I saw Lucas with."  Sage paused "yesterday. When we were playing hide and seek, Lucas stormed out of the cabin and you followed him towards the woods."

Matt quickly let go of Gabriela with wide eyes
I stared directly at Matt.

After Matt felt eyes on him he quickly looked around and saw me staring at him. Our eye contact was painfully long.

I knew.

And he knew I knew.

"Gabriela get out!" Nick said quickly walking towards Gabriela "Nick its cold, I didn't do it!." Gabriela said tears started forming in her eyes

"NOOOPE, no no NOBODY WANTS YOU HERE." Nick started dragging Gabriela towards the door
"Nick what the fuck?!" Gabriela fought back "I DIDNT FUCKING DO I!!" Gabriela still held the bottle of vodka in her hands while she looked at sage
"NOOBODY LIKES YOU! We don't want fucking psychopaths in here, if you two had relationship problems you could have just asked us for advice NOT KILLING SOMEONE?? GET OUT. NU UHHH, Theres absolutely NO way I'm staying a night here with you in the cabin GET OUT." Nick said until Gabriela was fully outside the cabin and Nick quickly shut the door and closed it

"Well that's fucking sorted" Nick said while Gabriela was banging on the door

"Nick. She's gonna freeze during the night!" I said
"Well I'm not taking any chances on being killed during the night!" Nick said

"Nick we should have locked her in a room or something until we get help! We can't just leave her outside" Matt argued with Chris going to open the door
"Matt go sit down!" Nick said blocking the door with his body
"Nick! Please." Matt said looking directly at Nick "just let me let her inside. We'll lock her somewhere I don't know. Just not outside." Matt said quietly
Nicks eyes softened
"Fine. But I'm hiding in the room I'm not gonna get attacked or some shit" Nick said "yeah me too I don't need a round two." Elena followed nick into the room.
Before they could close the door Matt say
"Where did she go."

Me and Chris walked towards the front door where Matt was standing

Gabriela was nowhere to be found.

"She probably went to the car or something I don't know" Nick said by the tone of his voice I knew he didn't even care where she was, since Nick had some sort of survival mode on.

"Im going to look for her." Before matt could walk out the front door Chris grabbed him by his arm and said "matt are you crazy? We still don't know if she's innocent. And it clearly doesn't look like it."

"Chris! I know she wouldn't do that." Matt argued
"Okay matt since when do you know her so well? You two never even talked. Even I know her more then you." Nick said leaning against the wall in the hallway.

"Yeah. ALSO! She was the most quiet out of all of us. And you know what they say about the quiet ones." Dominic paused "they ALWAYS end up being psychopaths" then Dominic realised
"Or unless you and Gabriela did some duo badass murder. Because I know you're quiet aswell, i have my eyes on you matt"

"Fuck off Dominic, what ? are you even talking about?" Matt said

After the sun set we all went to bed locking our doors. Most of us knew Gabriela killed Lucas. But deep down we still didn't trust eachother.

I was laying down on the top bunk staring at the wooden wall that almost looked orange due to the light being turned on.
The sky was dark blue outside and I could see sages reflection in the window.
Suddenly I see sage putting a razor knife under her pillow
"So your gonna murder me?." I said looking back at the ceiling
"No, just for protection." Sage said taking off her shoes
"I thought you were 100% sure it was Gabriela." I looked down at sage
"It's still hard you know? How do you expect me to trust people in this situation" sage said quietly

"Yeah." I paused when I saw sage tearing up "sage were gonna get out, tomorrow. And get help. Your gonna be okay" I tried my best at comforting sage

Sage sniffed and said "yeah- yeah, I trust you."

"Goodnight sage." I said


My eyes opened quickly when I heard motion from next door , I looked around and it was still dark. Probably like 2 am.
I sat up quietly trying not to wake up sage
Then I heard the front door close.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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