Connor McDavid

7 0 0

would be really sweet with you but super into you

always asks to meet your family

once he meets them he fits in so well with them

takes care of your younger sister like she's his sister

also does small gestures to make you smile bc he knows you don't like anything to be too flashy

but still likes to splurge on you from time to time

always kisses your forehead as a greeting

first kiss would be soft until things get heated and he would take control

wouldn't go all the way on the first date

respects the hell out of you

always whispers compliments in your ear

at games he winks at you when he scores

at events always has a hand securely around your waist

but mostly keeps yalls private life private

likes to lightly slap your ass sometimes just because

likes it when you run your fingers through his hair

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