Back home but...

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Cream's pov 

Cream: are we almost there?

Tails: should be.

Me and, tails where heading back today, from our, little trip. and we couldn't be more excited, to be going back. I was ready to, see the look on everyone's faces, when we told them!

Tails: do you, want to fly for a bit?

Cream: sure.

I could tell that, tails was in a good mood as well. today was a good day...: when we got to our small village in: Green Hill Zone I noticed that green Hill was not looking so green.

Tails: oh no this, does not look good!

Cream: what do you, think it is?

Tails: Im not sure.

Cream: hmm

Just then, we pass by sonic and, Amy freeing some flickys

Tails: hey sonic!

Sonic: tails, cream you guys are ok!

Tails lands, the plane:

Tails: what do you mean, we are ok? of course we are.

Sonic: you don't know, what happened while you were gone.

Tails: what happened?!

Amy: the deadly six!

Cream: what! but we where, just in lost hex!

Sonic: I know... that is why, I was worried.

Tails: well we are safe.

Sonic: good.

Cream: so where, is the deadly six?

Amy: gone! they lost, and fled.

Tails: well then, I take it that you guys, need some help, with the clean up.

Sonic: thanks for the offer, but I got it...

Amy: you mean, we got it!

Sonic: uh... right we got this.

Tails: no no I'll help you guys, with this. cream you go on to your house, and start planning.

Amy: planning what?

Tails: you will find out, on the way.

Amy: on the way?

Tails: your going with cream.

Amy: but...

Sonic: I think that, is a good idea.

Amy: fine I'll go...

Tails: cream do you want to, take the plane home.

Cream: I can fly I don't need to, take your plane tails.

Tails: no please do! it is a favor for my soon to be ____ so please, take it.

Cream: ok.

Amy: ???

Cream: don't worry about it, I'll tell you on the way.

Amy: ok cream, um well bye sonic! I'll see you around tails.

Sonic: later Amy!

Ok so this is were it splits into to povs so happy reading the next two chapters bye for now

Please follow me as well thank you

Tails and cream are... MARRIED!?!?Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu