The proposal

173 3 18

Tails pov 

Tails: so cream, when did you say your birthday was?

Cream: tomorrow.

Tails: great, I can give you the present I got you.

Cream: you know just thinking about, birthdays makes me think back to when we where kids.

Tails: don't feel to old just yet. you still got until tomorrow before you are officially an adult.

Cream: well I still feel like one.

Tails: I know the feeling, but once you actually become an adult, it isn't so exciting anymore.

Cream: well then, Im going to enjoy the short time of happiness that I have!

Cream if everything goes to plan you be happy alright

Tails: that's the cream I know.

Cream: so... tails are you doing something special for my birthday?

Tails: yes actually... I was... It was supposed to be a surprise but I'll tell you if you really want to know

Cream: I love a good surprise... but it isn't going to be the same, since I know that you have a surprise planned. so I guess I might as well know.

Tails: ok well here goes: I am going to be taking you on a surprise (well not anymore) date...! to lost hex!

Cream: lost hex! I haven't been there in a while.

Tails: I know. Oh and don't worry this trip is going to be perfectly safe.

Cream: you mean no DEADLY SIX?

Tails: exactly.

Cream: well that is great news now we can enjoy ourselves instead of having to worry about those mean zeti

Cream: well that is very thoughtful of you tails!

Tails: anything for you cream, after all if you can't surprise your girlfriend every once in a while...

Cream without saying a word leaned in for a kiss, and I gladly accepted.

Sonic: lost hex you say? its just lovely this time of year... or so I've heard.

Me and cream both jump!

Tails: wahh! Sonic don't scare us like that!

Sonic: what?

Then he sees me and cream as we separate

Sonic: ... Oh s-sorry about that little buddy...

Tails: hey Im not little anymore.

Sonic: I know... I feel so proud and Im going to be Evan more proud... pretty soon!

Tails: sonic!!!

Sonic: *looks at cream* oh right sorry... Well ill see you around by tails.

Cream: ???

Tails: bye sonic!

Sonic: oh and cream have a great birthday tomorrow!

Cream: I will... thank you sonic! Bye

Little does cream know what I am going to ask her oh boy Im so nervous come on tails you got this actor all you where able to:

Tails: hey vanilla is cream here?

Vanilla: Im afraid not tails, but Im sure she will show up soon... here sit, make your self comfortable.

Tails: thank you mis vanilla but, Im actually here to talk to you, not cream.

Vanilla: really? well whats on your mind tails?

Tails: well... I've been trying to work up the courage to ask you something. and so now Im just going to ask it and stop stalling!

Vanilla: ok Im all ears tails.

Tails: well here goes: vanilla can... c-can I marry cream she is going to be turning 18 in like 3 days right, so when she does can I... marry her.

I wait, and wait for what seems like an hour! but it was probably something like 4 seconds.

Vanilla: ... y-yes you can. I-I just can't take it all in at once! Im so proud she is going to be 18, and now m-mm... I Im so sorry tails if...

Tails: no no it is fine, I'll leave I've got a few thing to plan anyway.

Vanilla: ok tails

You got this tails!

At cream's birthday party:

Amy: and here is my present!

Cream: thank you Amy.

Sonic: say tails, what about your present to cream? Hmm? *Winks at me*

Tails: well cream already knows about... Well at least half of the surprise.

Cream: you got another surprise for me?

Tails: never tell a friend about a surprise, you plan to give them, and not have a backup surprise!

Cream: well what ever it is Im sure it will be good! after all your the same guy that, gave me my plane that I have!

Yes I did just reference another story I did a little while ago... but hey 4th wall breaks am I right? Anyway back to the story:

Now it was time to leave...! and for me and cream to head to lost hex...! and for me to *gulp* propose to her! Oh boy!

Cream's pov 

Tails took me to lost hex, and it was amazing! we went where ever we wanted: to a breathtaking beach, or forest, or anywhere...! it felt so good... I felt so free, and at the end of the day me and tails slept under a tree! (Not something that I do very often)

 I even got use tailses tails as a pillow... (they were soft) anyway it felt super good, and in the morning we just; did whatever and... just had fun, but then as the day began coming to a close: I began to notice tails get kind of nervous.

Cream: tails you ok?

Tails: yeah! Of course I am.

He was not the same tails from a few hours ago. he had something to say, I could tell: this is how he acts when he has something hard to say, and I really wanted to know what was going on.

Cream: what is it that you want to tell me tails?

Tails: not tell... ask.

Just then he gets on on his knees and, opens a ring box... is this the other surprise he was talking about? he bought me a ring...! and an expensive one at that! but just as I went to say: thank you. he spoke up and said:

Tails: cream... will... you... marry me...!?

Ohhh what will cream say...

Thank you for reading

Guys I can hear your angry comments asking why I chose lost hex as the place to use for them going on a vacation to what would be like us going to a different contrary I just chose it because it was a nice place in the sonic lore to visit if it were real and pls excuse some mistakes such as misspellings and other thing thank you!

Tails and cream are... MARRIED!?!?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora