Chapter 10: The visit to Waterpark couldn't get better !!!

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I am like soooo glad I wore my stockings cause like it was totally freezing at the movie. August still couldnt keep his hands off me. He put his arm around my shoulder which like at least kept me warm. Hes so hawt. So of course I like snuggled with him and he totally started grabbing me again. And before I knew it we were totally making out again.

Then like he totally surprised me again and my hand was on his cock! He's even bigger irl! Like the biggest i've ever seen! Of course I couldn't resist him either and...I like cant believe I did this but like totally went down on him right then and there in in the movie with every one around!!! I guess I just like lost control but who could blame me!

And of course Candi totally saw me and like teased me about it. But like she never got to do that with a boy like that totally surprised me tho cause shes so pretty. But she said she hasnt cause her Daddy hasnt dated any one??? Her Daddys like so sweet and handsome im surprised he isnt already dating some one. Well maybe soon.

We decided to like call it an early night tho and the boys took us home and like...even after all the making out I think when he kissed me good night made me tingle all over. Even tho it was like waaaay shorter than any kisses before but it just...felt different more... special.

Okay its like my bedtime now so ttfn <3<3<3


Amanda slowly got out of bed so as to not wake up Bailey. Looking over Bailey looked angelic and innocent clutching her little teddy bear. Bailey was never much of a morning person and figured she would let her sleep in while she went and made some coffee. Putting on her robe Amanda went and stood in the dark kitchen listening to the coffee machine percolate. A few minutes later she was just pouring her first mug when Amanda heard a knock at the door. Taking a sip she took a look through the peephole to find the Connors outside in the apartment hallway. Removing the security chain and unlocking the heavy door Amanda gave a genuine, but sleepy smile to the pair as she opened the door wide so they could enter. "Little early this morning, someone eager?"

Candi moved in first giving a quick hug to Amanda, she was practically bouncing with eager energy. "Good morning Miss Best! Is Bailey up?" holding the mug in one hand and hugging the teenager with the other she responded. "I was letting her sleep in a little, we didn't exactly set a time." letting go of the hug Candi went into the dark apartment and started to turn the lights on and open one of the window shades without asking. "Sorry about that I was a little distracted last night, but I brought breakfast." Derrick said holding up a paper bag that looked to be bursting. "You are early and you stopped for breakfast, I already have coffee so all is forgiven." walking forward with a smile Derrick leaned in and kissed Amanda on the cheek before heading inside the now lit apartment.

Derrick opened up the bag and pulled out some breakfast sandwiches he got from the hotel. The smell of the food was intoxicating to Amanda, but Candi just scrunched up her nose. "Daddy, I told you that you got too many. Bailey and I are on a diet, no way can we have that much bread even if we were cheating, and we are not." Derrick gave his daughter a flat look, while Amanda took a bite of the freshly baked bagel with bacon, american cheese and egg. "This is so good, thank you Derrick. But don't give her that look, the girls are trying to do something that takes discipline, and if I recall that is something you like to encourage." pulling out a seat at the table Derrick sat down. "Turning my own words against me." he sighed "Did Candace tell you how to defeat me so easily?" The comment caused the two women to laugh a little.

Back in the bedroom Bailey woke up to the sound of the front door closing. Sitting up Bailey stretched a little and wasn't too happy with the feeling from sleeping in the black corset. It was normal for him to wake up to the sound of the door closing as Mandy went off to work and he didn't think anything of it so he got up and slid out of bed getting a little thrill from his smooth stocking covered legs rubbing through the high thread count sheets. His mind was waking up some and the past week was coming to him. With a frown he grabbed the fuzzy stuffed toy and started to head to his room, hoping Amanda would be back soon and not leave him trapped in the vice like garment for the day. Paying little attention to his surroundings Bailey stopped at the end of the hall next to his bedroom hearing and seeing the group laugh. Derrick was sitting while the other two stood around the table.

Hot Girlfriend's Sexy Daughter जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें