I resolved the problem

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5 years later, Becky and Chelsea had graduated from high school and Becky a job as an intern nurse while Chelsea got a job as an intern scientist. Before the first day of work, Chelsea and Becky talked and talked and drank a lot of alcohol but they didn't drive. The next day, as Becky scrolled through TikTok, she saw that her mother's account on videos about her apologizing. She also noticed that her mother had become incredibly thin and malnourished since she was only thinking but Becky didn't say anything. When she was 25, Jayden proposed to her, I GUESS WE ALL KNEW THAT ONE, and a few weeks later, they had were doing their marriage, Becky looked at the chair reserved for her mom and dad but she didn't see them. After the marriage, Becky got a call from Maddie. Something terrible had happened."Becky, your mom, she isn't okay" Maddie said and Becky's heart meltedShe immediately ran, not drove, RAN to the hospital under the rain. She saw her some doctors and held them by the collar

"I AM A CERTIFIED DOCTOR AND I DEMAND ACCESS TO MRS MCTYRIE GINA'S WARD" Becky yelled and the doctor timidly showed her to her mother's ward and her heart immediately evaporated. Her mother was laying life less on the bed. She rushed up to her and started crying.

"Oh mummy, I'm so sorry that I didn't forgive you" Becky said tearfully and held her hand

"No, It's my fault, I'm sorry my little nugget and I'm sorry that I didn't come for you wedding" Gina said tearfully

"Oh don't worry, what about dad?" Becky asked

"Oh he's fine" Gina said

Not long after Gina was discharged, Polly, Gina's mother called Becky"Oh sweetie, Give me money to buy Gucci and Channel" Polly demanded

"No, When I was young, I asked for help but you chased me away. Never contact me ever again" Becky roared and hanged up


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