"But Zaniyah, it's only for a few hours," Arzel attempted to explain, but she wasn't having any of it.

"It's already 7, and I know you'll be late like always," she retorted, storming out of the closet with her clothes in hand.

Arzel's patience wore thin as he grabbed her, slamming her against the closet door in frustration. Zaniyah pushed him away, tears welling up in her eyes.

"you want me to cancel the meeting?" he asked, his anger subsiding as he realized he might have pushed her too far.

"No, go now," she replied, trying to leave the room, but he held her back, his voice tinged with desperation.

"Where are you going, Zaniyah?" he shouted, his frustration boiling over.

"Mar ne," she whispered, her words cutting through the tension. Arzel's heart sank at her despair.

"Ye lafz me dobara na sunu" he warned, his anger fading into concern as he left her hands

"Go wherever you want," Arzel's words hung heavily in the air, causing Zaniyah to pause and look at him. He could see the pain in her eyes, knowing that those words had hurt her deeply.

Even in his anger, Arzel had never spoken to her like this before. She struggled to process his actions and the harshness of his tone.

As he slowly opened the door for her,
"Leave" Zaniyah felt herself loosing completely hearing him

He was so angry that he even loses his calm, but when he heard her sobs he looked at her and found her crying badly..

He sigh, and tried to touch her but she backed off completely, "no" she whispered slightly walking behind

"Zaniyah lis-" before he could say something, she left the room turning around her emotions swirling inside her like a tempest. But before she could leave, the sound of something shattering echoed behind her.

Ignoring it, she continued on, her heart heavy with the weight of their argument

Knocking softly on the door, Zaniyah found Dadi sitting on the bed. "Dadi," she said, her voice trembling with tears.

Dadi looked up, concern etched on her face, and hurried over to Zaniyah. "Zaniyah, dear, what happened?" she asked gently, her heart aching at the sight of Zaniyah's distress.

Unable to form words, Zaniyah simply shook her head in response to Dadi's question.

Dadi sighed, knowing all too well the temper that Arzel could possess. "Did you two have an argument?" she ventured, and Zaniyah nodded, her tears flowing freely.

"Come here," Dadi beckoned, patting the space beside her on the bed. Zaniyah complied, sinking onto the soft mattress.

"Sleep here," Dadi urged gently, guiding Zaniyah's head onto her lap. With a tender touch, she began to stroke Zaniyah's hair, comforting her.

"Let him come, I'll scold him," Dadi offered, but Zaniyah shook her head, not wanting Arzel to face her grandmother's wrath.

After a while of soothing caresses, Zaniyah drifted off to sleep, her breathing steady against Dadi's lap. Dadi smiled down at her,

Standing on the balcony, Arzel reflected on how harshly he had treated Zaniyah earlier. But he couldn't shake the feeling that she had been testing him too.

"Zaniyah," he muttered to himself, trying to calm his racing thoughts as he gripped the balcony railing tightly.

He made a decision. He cancelled his meeting; she had been driving him crazy since day one. Always leaving him questioning everything.

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