Chapter Four- Tulips

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"Jiwoo? What's wrong," My mom said from the other side of the door. "What happened at school, you can talk to atleast."

Words after words of reassurance, about how I could trust her and her asking what happened. I wanted to just be left alone for a while but I couldn't bring myself to tell her. I didn't want her to be hurt or realize that she was bothering me, so I would just stay quiet and hope she would understand.

My cheek was stained with tears again. My hands held the phone, my fingers typed on the keyboard. And I seemed to realize my family weren't the only ones worried, Gaeul also kept asking if I wanted her to come over. I kept having to tell her no but it wasn't annoying. She had asked me what had happened and slowly I let everything spill. I would call and it may have been easier but I wasn't ready for my parents to hear.

...and I cried as soon as their hands touched me, I probably looked so ugly doing it. Honestly I knew I could've at least bit the hand that went over my mouth but it was at the moment and I couldn't even think.

The three dots appeared as soon as I hit send. In a few seconds a text bubble appeared.

I'm so sorry, I know it's too late now and it's already happened, if I had just been watching where I'd been going, this whole mess wouldn't have taken place. It's all my fault, I'm sorry.

The second I finished scanning the sentence, I started typing. Just as I did, I realized my mom's voice wasn't calling for me anymore. I realized I had stayed too long in my room. My finger hit the delete button a few times, completely erasing anything I was about to say. I started typing again but the topic was different.

I need to eat dinner, thank you for being there for me Gaeul, I genuinely needed this talk.

The girl sent hearts and I turned off my phone. I got up from my bed, walking to my door. My hand turned the door knob, pulling the door revealing my family all sitting in the hallway, whispering. Their heads turned to look at me, and my mom hurriedly stood up, dusting invisible dirt off her clothes.

"Jiwoo. Why don't we talk." As soon as the word talk was said, it signaled my sister and father to get up. "Talk meaning between the older women." The clarification made my younger sister groan.

My mom ushered me back into my room as she shut the door behind her. "Okay, now tell me, what's wrong?"

Her hands went to my hair as we sat down on the bed. Her fingers started combing strands and that's when I realized how tense I had been.

My shoulders relaxed as I let out a relieved sigh. "It's just problems at school, nothing that big."

My mom shook her head. "Nothing that big yet you came home with a bruise on your forehead, would you care to explain that?"

"I already told you that I bumped my head in my locker. I was studying for the english quiz and if that student didn't keep their locker open, I wouldn't have crashed head first–"

"Okay, okay I get it. But I'm your mother, at least tell me what's been going on at school." Her concerned expression almost persuaded me to explain everything but I couldn't bring myself to do it. My quietness had her continue talking. "Listen when you get older, you can't always be silent, especially when you have a problem. You need to tell someone." She paused.

"Besides, you see our family's situation, you getting this scholarship is the best thing that's happened to us. And if you study well and get a good job you'll find yourself a handsome husband, rich, kind, and everything anyone would ever want in–''

I snapped "Can you please stop?" My mom's eyes widened a bit, she stared at me for a second or two. Her mouth opened to say something but no sound came out, after talking to her like that I had no courage to face her. I got up, took my phone with me and left the room.

Of course I love her but who wouldn't get annoyed hearing your future husband every time you came across a problem. Even then, I'm not even sure I'll find someone, every guy I've come across is an absolute shit-head.

Although there's one...

No–there's none. None until you go to college and finish your studies.

Talking with myself calmed me down. I ended up sitting on our front steps, the small breeze made me feel better from the stuffy atmospheric house. The atmosphere was only stuffy because of the problem I had brought home. Would have anything been better if I just stayed at the school? Or maybe if I politely declined Taehyun's ride home.

I've been going crazy because of that damn red card. Every time I try to help others, it gets me into a mess. A fucking mess.


I realized how long I'd been outside, and how I wasn't as aggravated. I stood up, my legs cramping just proving how much time passed with me just in that same position.

Even though it was uncomfortable, I still went in. Swinging open the door, I was surprised at the emptiness of the living room. I continued silently walking, making my way to my room.

Shuffling could be heard, and the sound of paper rustling caught my attention. I peeked in, seeing my dad, sister and mom huddled around– what seemed to be a bag covered in wrapping paper.

"Dad?" Being the first name I could think of, I called him. But all three of my family members turned around.

"Unnie" Jini's voice squeaked, trying to whisper.. "Maybe we should've wrapped it in the other room."

"Other room." My mom repeated, giving me a nervous smile. "Come sit down." Her hand patted the space next to her. I walked over, sitting down as asked for. No words came out of my mouth since I had some guilt for snapping at her.

With me being quiet, my father started talking, you could be blind but still hear how hard my dad was trying to clear up my head and fix the mood.

"We came to the conclusion that you're having these problems because of how worn your uniform is. You're a senior for goodness sake and the insides of your blazer is ripped."

My mom nodded adding on but in a smaller voice. "So using some savings, we got you a new blazer." She pulled the bag her way before handing it to me.

Now the guilt hit hard. As much as I kept telling myself this again and again, I really meant it this time. I regret every word I told my mom. The lump in my throat made it hard to talk so instead, I just fell into her arms. Her hands embraced me, fingers running up and down my back soothing me. I broke down, sobbing hysterically.

"I'm sorry, I'm very sorry. I didn't mean anything I said earlier." Apologies spewed from my mouth like a running waterfall. Hiccups interrupting my words, the lump in my throat shrunk slowly as I tried to find the breath to speak.

"Unnie, I even drew tulips, I hope you find someone who loves you as much as we do!" Jini's voice exclaimed, trying to brighten the room. Her index finger pointed to the inside of the blazer, a white market made out a singular tulip with three stars around it. I smiled, wiping my face as I patted the younger's head.

My dad handed me a water bottle, the cold liquid calmed my nerves making the pause between the hiccups much longer. Hair strands stuck to my face, the house now felt hot. My face became sticky–not only with the sweat but also the tears.

"Dear, why don't you go take a shower and try it on when you come back?" The suggestion came from my mom to which I agreed to. Standing up, my legs felt wobbly, slowly I exited the room as my parents and sister also shuffled around to stand up.

...even drew tulips, I hope you find someone who loves you as much as we do!...

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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