Chapter One- FATE

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The soft melody of my music played through my earbuds. My finger clutched the pen, writing down formulas and numbers, the paper had black ink all over it. The handwriting grew messier and messier but my only goal was to finish it.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, at first I didn't react. Maybe they would leave, I wanted to finish the assignment and get some rest. My eyelids kept threatening to close, between times when my pen was not touching my paper.

There were another few taps, I let go of the pen, turning around. A girl, standing next to me, seemed new. Her hair was brown, it didn't seem to be her natural hair but I could be wrong. Her eyes were monolids, light brown pupils stared back at me.

"Hello! I'm Ahn Gaeul! Nice to meet you!" The sudden interaction made me a bit confused. Not wanting to come out as rude, I answered her.


"I'm new here, and honestly, out of everyone, you seem like the nicest." She spoke fast, but with a brother that spoke at the same speed as her, I could understand.

"Ah, that explained why I didn't seem to recognize you." I responded, my earbuds were off so the conversations of surrounding students were louder.

Gaeul laughed a little, her chuckle was soft and gentle. In a way, I felt as if her energy matched mine.

"So...your name?" The girl paused, "And can you please give me some tips on surviving this place?" She said this place, as if it was a prison.

"I'm Kim Jiwoo." I answered, shoving things in my bag. "There's like a billion things I could tell you about the school, what do you wanna start with?"

"Who should I avoid?"

I paused. Of course, that's the first thing she asks. That's the first thing everyone asks.

"Who should you avoid?" I repeated, "Those..girls.." I looked over to three girls snickering over their phones, and mentally hoped she would take the answer and ask something else.

"Really? I heard rumors about a game? Involving a red card?" Gaeul asked. Her eyes filled with curiosity. I didn't say anything, I just stared. "Come on friend, you need to tell me. If you don't tell me, I'll probably get in some type of trouble."

I let out a small breath. "Fine." My head whirred with the words, trying to create a sentence and after a few seconds of silence, I spoke. "Once you get a better understanding of this school, you'll hear the name F8, most likely being repeated. It's either F8 or Fate–"

I was cut off by the girl, her hands holding her chin. "Why Fate?"

"Because when you add the letter f in front of the letters spelling eight, it sounds like fate." I explained and the girl nodded. "Anyways the group consists of eight members, half their names I don't bother to remember, even though we've been going to the same school for over two years." Gaeul chuckled at my words and I let a small smile spread on my face.

"But you'll learn who is who decently soon. All I know is that, out of all eight, the one that catches most of the attention is Lee Minho. He may be the first person you learn of." Gaeul nodded again.

"Now the red card is a game throughout the whole school, run by those eight. It affects every student in the school. If you annoy any of the guys, you can expect a red card to appear in your locker." I took in a shaky breath.

"That red card means–" There was a loud ping throughout the classroom, suddenly more pings followed through. I pulled out my phone like every other student, already prepared for what I was about to see.

Cho Doyoon got the red card

Who did he piss off?

I'm sure all of them, he's threatening to spill this whole 'red card game' on the internet

He just wants clout, F8 will give him what he deserves

We dumped the sewer water on him, hah, that's what he gets for being such a goodie two shoes

"You'll understand after this, let's go." I muttered to Gaeul, holding out my hand. Just as she stood up to take it, the other students started running out. We followed after, hearing yelling on the floor below.

The two of us ran downstairs, and followed the few groups of people running outside the school. The teachers seemed to have disappeared, there were no adults around. Even if there were adults, they wouldn't have been able to do shit.

"So...where are we going?" Gaeul asked, trying to catch her breath.

"Just wait, it'll make sense," I answered, running through the trail leading to the stadium.


"You just thought you could just take a video of everything and think that we're stupid enough to not know, that's fucking pathetic" A scoff from the middle of the stadium. Minho's hands were in his pockets, his head staring down at Doyoon. The victimized boy had cuts and bruises all over his face, he looked broken. His glasses had been thrown across when he was being beaten.

Pity filled my heart, a lump in my throat and I could feel my eyes widening. Of course I had watched this happen many times but it always hit me. It hit me that someday I could be down there, getting hit, being made a fool of.

"Listen to me and if I'm wrong, you can hit me, but everyone here sees this game as entertainment, otherwise, why would they come here and see you or the others that are like you?" Minho smiled, his smirk seemed deadly.

I wasn't going to oppose the fact that he was intimidating, but the only thing that built up to that was his power over the school. His mother was a lady who carried herself at a high position so it wasn't a surprise that Minho did the same.

"So do you understand?" I asked amidst all the noises of student's yelling.

"Yeah but can't somebody just secretly record and send it out? Like while we're here?" Gaeul asked, raising an eyebrow. I shook my head.

"When you first entered, didn't you see the signs that said no phones and no recordings?" I asked, there was no response from the girl. "This is also the result of breaking the rules. Gaeul, I suggest you do your best to keep low and just try and finish this school year peacefully."

The girl nodded, her eyes grew bigger but this time with nervousness.

f8: Boys over Flowers (Stray Kids FF)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant