Otherwise Engaged

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Detective Jane Rizzoli paced back and forth in her apartment, a determined glint in her eyes. Today was the day she would propose to the love of her life, Dr. Maura Isles, and she wanted it to be unforgettable.

Jane had planned and analyzed this more than any other thing in her personal life. She wanted this to no only be romantic but to express just how much she and Maura fit together, their lives perfectly entwined and balanced at the same time. Her first few ideas did not make the cut but a month into planning she devised the winning idea. She would propose at the zoo with the help of her old friend Bass.

It took Jane awhile to warm up to Bass and vice versa but now she would rely on him to help deliver the most important question of her life. Sure Jane had feelings for some of her past romantic partners but none ever came close to what she felt with Maura, to what Maura made her feel inside with just a simple look. If she was honest with herself she knew as soon as they decided to pursue a relationship it would end up here in this moment, with Jane cradling a very small velvet box on on knee but it still took some time for her to develop the courage to take this step.

The first step to making her proposal come to life was to reach out to the zoo keepers caring for Bass. She was very familiar as she had met them on numerous trips with Maura to visit Bass with the family an TJ over the last few years. Thomas Kindly was Bass's head zookeeper in charge of the entire Isles Foundation Reptile Exhibit. Bass was one of many new reptiles Maura's sizable donation allowed the zoo to promote education and conservation.

You want to propose to Maura at the zoo?" Thomas exclaimed, his voice tinged with excitement. "I love it! Count me and Bass in."

With Thomas on board, Jane's nerves began to ease. She knew she couldn't pull off this surprise alone, but with Bass's help, she was confident everything would go off without a hitch. The only other person who was aware of her plan was Frankie, who was sworn to secrecy or else per Jane. Her mother, Tommy, TJ, and Korsak were all kept in the dark. She couldn't risk any information leaks before the special day.

That special day had now arrived. Saturday was a perfect day for family time with Jane and Maura not being on call. Jane decided to bring up the zoo visit casually Friday night during movie night, knowing that Maura was free all day Saturday. The plan was commencing now.

"Maura," Jane called, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Dr. Maura Isles emerged from the kitchen, a curious expression on her face. "Yes, Jane? Is everything alright?"

Jane took a deep breath, summoning the calmness she knew she needed. "I think we should visit the zoo tomorrow, we haven't seen Bass in awhile. It would be great to take Ma and TJ, maybe Frankie, Nina and Tommy may be able to join also."

Maura's eyes widened, thinking of what better way to spend a Saturday in Spring than with her family. Her family something that she couldn't help but cause her heart to warm. "Of course, Jane, that sounds wonderful. Should we reach out to everyone now?"

With a nod from Jane, "I'll call Ma now, how about you text Tommy and see if he and TJ are free."

After a few minutes on their phones, the plans were made. Everyone would meet at the zoo the next morning to spend a lovely spring day at the zoo. Shortly after the plans were set Jane suggested they head to bed early, knowing it would be near impossible for her to get any rest but attempting just the same.

As they lay in bed that night with Jane snuggled around Maura discussing all the different animal exhibits they would visit with Maura spouting facts for each of the animals, Jane couldn't help but realize this was a feeling she wanted for a lifetime. Step one complete Jane thought to herself as she heard Maura's breathing indicate she had fallen asleep.

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