"Who were you talking to mummy?" Hot shot asked.

"The Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation called, they are the world's largest funder of Pediatric Brain Tumor research, they are helping kids with brain tumors like you and their families," Quickshadow said. "They are researching new treatments, which ones work best for a certain type of tumor of the brain, how to make treatments safer for kids, and to help kids and parents learn about the disease," she said. "They also help with relief money for families who may need help paying for things like mortgage for houses, rent for houses and apartments, things like car payments or gas, other bills, travel expenses, and groceries, because caring for a child with cancer including brain cancer is tough, and takes a lot of money," she said. "They also created The Imaginary Friend Society which is the videos you watched about the MRI and Surgery," she said. "They have a lot of videos on a wide range of cancer topics," she said. "They are meant for children like you learn about cancer, it's treatment and what to expect," she said.

"Is brain cancer the only type of cancer?" Hot shot asked.

"No Hot shot, there are many types of cancer and they all occur in many body parts, some cancer happens in the blood, some happens in kidneys, some happens in the bones, some happens in the lungs, and some happen in the brain," Quickshadow said. "Cancer can occur in pretty much any body part, where it starts and what cells it is made of and what the cells look like will tell a doctor which cancer it is and tell the patient the name of this cancer," she said. "There are all many different types of each type of cancer, and how the cells look can tell the doctor which type of that class of cancer it is," she said. "So you have one type of brain cancer poppet but there are many more," she said.

"Oh okay," Hot shot said. He knew even though his mother wasn't a doctor he knew she was an adult and knew more about this kind of thing.

"The Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation says you like the other children of the families they are supporting who have brain tumors are now one of their stars," Quickshadow said. "They call a child fighting a brain tumor that they are helping a star," she said.

"Cool I am a star," Hot shot said. Hot shot found it kind of cool to be a star. He was also proud to be a star of the pediatric brain tumor foundation. Hot shot was wondering how many stars the pediatric brain tumor foundation had.

Hot shot decided to watch more of the videos from the Imaginary Friends Society. Hot shot watched the video about finding about having cancer. Hot shot learned that many big feelings are okay, he also learned he shouldn't feel it is his fault, nothing he did caused it, he learned it just happens to people too. He even learned cancer happens to animals, birds and fish. Knowing that cancer happens to other living things made him realize that it was part of life. He knew that cancer is also possible in a beloved pet so that gave him something else to think about too. Hot shot learned that his body is trying to fight the cancer on it's own but it needs a lot of help. He learned many doctors, nurses and scientists are helping him in his fight and they are all working hard to kick cancer's butt. Hot shot wanted to do that too! Hot shot learned even though the road was long and scary he was strong and needed to listen to his doctors. He also learned that his family, friends, and medical team will be with him all the way. That made Hot shot feel a bit better. Hot shot also watch the video about what cancer is. He learned about cells are in his body and are very tiny and need a special instrument to see them. The body makes new cells all the time. Sometimes broken cells are made and the body can take care of the occasional broken cell. However sometimes these broken cells can get out of hand and make too many it was these broken cells turning against his healthy cells and making him sick. Hot shot didn't like that he had cells of his own that were not working right and causing problems and that is why he was feeling sick. He was told there were many different types of treatment to make cancer go away such as radiation and chemotherapy. He was told that he is tough enough to handle it. He is ready to be very brave. He was glad these videos were there to explain all of this too him in a way he could understand.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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