Brotherhood Varian- Bet

140 2 7

Y/n couldn't run fast enough.

Her boots thumped on the forest floor, her heart beating at twice its normal speed.

He couldn't be far away now. His footfalls were silent, and Y/n could not hear him approach, but she knew he and that monstrous beast had to be right on her tail.

She smacked branches and hanging vines out of her way, looking down at the precious item in her hand, its metal winking in the sunlight. Y/n couldn't let him catch her, not when she had what she had.

With a grunt of effort, she pushed herself harder, managing to force more speed into her legs.

Y/n risked a glance behind her as she ran. He was skilled at concealing himself, however, and all Y/n could see was a flash of midnight blue that was far closer than she'd like it to be.

Okay. So maybe running wasn't a good option.

What else could she use?

Brushing a branch out of her way, Y/n heard her pursuer yelp as it hit him across the face, and she looked forwards, grinning upon noticing what was ahead.

A massive ravine sliced through the woods, tumbling down to a rocky cliff below. He was agile enough to follow her if she changed directions suddenly... but his monster probably wasn't.

She kept running, hoping that she was preventing her followers from seeing what lay ahead. The ravine's edge got closer, closer, closer-

At the last second, Y/n made a sharp turn to the right, turning a full ninety degrees. Pebbles flew over the edge, and she skidded dangerously close to the side of the cliff, but she managed to recover and sprint off parallel to the edge.

A panicked shout emanated from behind her, followed by a furious roar. She could hear the beast skidding to a halt, hear its heavy paws scrambling in the dirt, hear its companion frantically trying to get it to turn around and give chase.

She snorted. Too easy.

As she kept running, though, she noticed something strange. Though he could run through the underbrush without making a sound, Y/n could at least tell when she was being chased.

Now, though, she couldn't detect anything.

Y/n slowed to a stop. Something wasn't right.

She scanned the trees for any hint of movement, but the forest was deathly still. She took a slow step back, turning her head in a circle and searching for a sound, a footstep, a flash of blue.

Slowly, horribly, an idea began to dawn on her. What if-

Y/n's train of thought was cut off by the sound of an arrow shooting past her from above, just barely missing her hair.

She gasped and took a step back, realizing at the same second that she had just monumentally screwed up.

Another arrow flew past her, this one pointed down.

Pink smoke erupted from where it landed at her feet, and she coughed, squeezing her eyes shut.

She found that she couldn't move her feet.

When the smoke cleared, Y/n opened her eyes, first seeing her boots encased in some kind of... goo?

It was purple and sticky, and Y/n realized that she was effectively restrained.

She groaned, tilting her head up to the sky as she raised her hands in surrender, her prize dangling from one. "Fine, you win." she called out.

Y/n looked forwards in time to see a blue blur leap from a tree several yards away and land in front of her.

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