A2-05: After-Hours

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He understood mainly one detail from that.
You were definitely still in contact with Xavier even after you left.
You left them.
You didn't leave him.

Who knows how much closer the two of you gotten, while Moon wasn't there to keep an eye on things?

"I suppose." He hummed, then noticing the expression of perplexity you had on, and he stretched back on a grin, but it was uneven and grossly wide. "-tomorrow. Early as you can..?"

You gave him a slight nod, fastening the straps of your bag as you fidgeted, before stuffing your hands in your pockets, and walking a few steps towards the door, instantly stopping the second you felts Suns arms drape over your shoulders, pulling your back into a slight hug.

Right before this, you were looking over at Guy, so you were able to see his expression twist into irritation, but you paid him no mind.

Sun rested his faceplate in the nape of your neck for only a moment, before lifting it up and his pupils barely showing for just long enough for you to tell he was staring dead at Guy. "See ya, Sunshine."

You felt the guilt strings given another pull, but this time it accompanied a sense of unease.
That's the last thing he said before you left after all, however it was spoken weaker back then.


When Guy dropped you back off at your house, which took an hour since you did end up grabbing dinner, he started saying something before you could leave the car. "Those animatronics you work with... well, I'm not gonna act like I know them, I only drop off inventory in the daycare, after all. But, don't you sometimes think they get a bit. . . Too comfortable with you?"
Your expression left you, and you stared at him with slight judgment behind your eyes. "You're seriously asking that because Sun hugged me? ...Really?"

"People aren't on hugging terms once seeing eachother again after. . .what, three whole years?"

"Sun isn't a person." You retorted, it's not like you actually cared about the programming, it was just kinda crazy to you that he was holding them at the same standards.

"That's even worse, Y/n. I think it's kinda weird that you'd be fine touching one of those things."
"I think touching Sun, would be way more sanitary than touching a person, Xavier."

He stared at you.
Like you were insane.

"That's not the point—" "What's the point?" You interrupted, at this point you just wanted to get out of the car.
You and that damn salad box he forced you to buy.
"The point-" He repeated, "Is that you should just. . . Back off. 'Kay? We don't need them influencing you in anyway."

You went quiet, and let out a long sigh, clicking off your seatbelt, "I won't ever tell Sun I'm against his affections." You concluded, Guy most likely would've said something in defiance, but your hard tone only dragged out a huff from him.

"Fine." He agreed, getting out of the car, to open your door for you, which wasn't needed, but good on him, you suppose. When you got out, he wrapped his arms over you, your chin rested on his shoulder, but you made no sense of hugging him back besides just barely resting a hand on his back. "I'll see you tomorrow Y/n, just. . .call me if you ever need me to pick you up early, alright?"

Your mouth flinched, and you only agreed through a hum, but it seemed enough to him, as he muttered out an, 'I love you, sleep well.' And you replied the same, but keeping it shorter and less personal, by cutting out the 'I', and backing away from him, waving just slightly, before you walked in your house, dropping your bags, and sitting against the floor, draining in breaths.

•𝙰 𝙱𝚒𝚝 𝙾𝚏 𝙰𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎!• SB!Yandere-𝕄𝕠𝕠𝕟/𝑆𝑢𝑛 x Reader❤︎︎Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum