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Sonic the Hedgehog x Amy Rose (Sonamy)

First off: art is a 10/10! Seriously, this is so cute! Artist is Just_MarcyArt !

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First off: art is a 10/10! Seriously, this is so cute! Artist is Just_MarcyArt !

For me, this ship is hugely dependent on the media, so this chapter will be a bit long lol. My opinions vary, but are generally the same.

Gameverse: 4/10

Gameverse, I've always seen Sonic as aroace. He's a free spirit, and despite Amy's pining, their lifestyles don't exactly align. Amy's character development is amazing from CD to Frontiers, don't get me wrong, but I don't see Sonic settling down with her. Amy started out as an obsessive creep who'd do anything for Sonic, and he was clearly uncomfortable with that. She's improved, and wants to make sure that if Sonic does choose to love her, it's not something he's forced into. Which is great and makes their possible relationship way less weird, but I still don't think it'd work. Sonic's always thought of her as a friend, and in the games has shown little to no romantic interest in anyone. I can't see him entertaining her with how he operates.

Archieverse: 3/10

I'll be honest and say I haven't finished Archie yet. But from what I have read, which is like 85% of it, they suck. Amy in the comics is eight. Their possible relationship is basically like if Sonic dated Tails. She's even more of an obsessed fanatic in the comics than the games, though I will admit she has more respect for him in the beginning than Gameverse Amy. The problem besides the age is that Sonic has a girlfriend 90% of the time of Amy's obsession, which makes it weird. I can't imagine preaching my want to marry someone who's already in a relationship lmao.

IDW: 5/10

From what I've read so far, IDW isn't too different from Gameverse. Which is probably the intent, considering the lawsuits. Sonic's 'free spirit' feels more obvious in these comics, thanks to Ian Flynn's superb writing, so I still don't ship them. The thing that gets IDW a point above the gameverse is the fact that Amy has a lot of respect for him from the get go. While she tries to get him in the restoration, she accepts that no is no, and doesn't bother him too much about it. She doesn't feel like an obsessed maniac whose only drive is her love for Sonic, which is great for her character. In my opinion, Amy is constantly being dragged down by her motivations simply being "Sonic might fall in love with me if I do this!" So IDW Amy is a nice change of scenery lol.

Boom+Prime: 5/10

I know boom and prime are different continuities, but Amy and Sonic's relationship feels the same to me across both universes. That being, decent. Amy isn't obsessed, and they get along well. Amy doesn't make things weird, and Sonic treats her the same as any friend. They are simply friends, which makes the ship fine imo.

I haven't seen Sonic X yet, so idk what they're like there, but this is just an overview anyway so it doesn't matter much. Anyway, overall Sonamy gets a 5/10. It's not a monumental ship to me, nothing big. It can be good and it can be bad. I like how they're written sometimes, and sometimes I don't. They're a big 'neutral' for me.

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