Izuku gets a pet (or 8)

Start from the beginning

I guess it decided it didn't want to come after all?

He continues walking, but when he's at his doorstep, just about to enter, he hears squeaking. He turns around and sees the yellow thing pulling a slightly bigger white thing along with it (him?).

"You have a friend?"

The white one looks at him, clearly suspicious.

"Um, We'll see what my mom says?"

Izuku cautiously opens his door, and not even a second later, a yellow blur runs inside. The white creature is now very alarmed, and it runs in after Banana.


He quickly enters, and sees Banana bouncing around, snatching anything and everything small enough for him to carry.

The white one seems very frustrated, and is ferociously chirping at Banana, probably trying to get him to set everything down.

"Oh my. Um, what are these things, Izuku?" His mother, Inko, and chosen that moment to enter the room.

"I don't know. The yellow one helped me out earlier and insisted on coming with me, and then it went and got the other one, so..."

Inko blinks.

"Alright. Well, if one helped you, that means they're friendly, right?"

"I think so." Izuku remembers how hard Banana had been able to throw the rocks.

"They're pretty strong, though, so we should still be careful."

"Izuku, are you suggesting we keep them?" His mother's tone was playful, but also slightly accusatory.

"I mean, uh, yes? I don't recognize their species, and I don't want them to end up in a lab or something." He remembers another thing.

"I also kind of maybe already named one."

Inko sighs.

"Well, I guess a couple pets can't hurt. Even if they are... Strange."

She's taking this rather well.

Izuku smiles.

"Thanks, Mom!"

That night, Izuku is woken by the sound of an explosion, accompanied by glass shattering.

What was that? Did someone break into our house?

He stumbles out of bed and out into the living room. He flicks the light switch, and is greeted with a... Worrying sight.

One of the windows is broken, and the shattered remains of it are smoking.

Izuku, now panicking, looks around the room, and eventually spots something.

It's another creature. This one, however, looks scary. It's large and maroon, its white eyes narrowed. Well, its eye. A scar covers its left eye, making it look even more terrifying. It also has several other, smaller, scars of various kinds scattered around its body.

"Um, h-hi?" Izuku squeaks.

It takes a step toward him, holding something in one hand. Something that's small, and glowing red. If there's one thing Izuku knows, it's that things that glow red are usually bad.

Suddenly, Banana and the white creature, Marshmallow, he thinks, pounce on the maroon one, screeching something at it.

It hisses and squirms for a moment, then quiets down, seemingly listening to the other creatures.

After a moment Banana and Marshmallow let it stand up. It then swallows whatever it had been holding and stalks off to the couch. It curls up, still watching him.

Inko then runs out, freaks out seeing the broken window, and freaks out even more once Izuku tells her what happened. Needless to say, she did not want the maroon creature to stay. Of course, it did end up staying. And of course, it wasn't the last one to show up.


They just kept appearing. Whether it be outside of their door or inside (usually resulting in a broken window), the little things kept finding him. They found him, and stayed with him.

He eventually came up with names for all of them, thankfully, but that didn't fix there being too many. Explody, which is what he ended up naming the maroon one, was easily the most trouble, but Ruffles (A light blue creature with pink axolotl-like gills) was a close second. There was also the affectionately named Vampire (A dark purple, mouthless creature that got their name from the fact that they could produce spears that drain the nutrients out of creatures stabbed by them), the round Black Hole, who could seemingly produce an infinite amount of strange things, the fluffy, well, Fluffy, who could grapple around with its tongue (seriously, how did it do that?), and the light pink Hunter, who never failed to bring Izuku and Inko dead animals.

It was very lucky they happened to be with Izuku on that day. And all the other days. If they weren't, things might have gone way, way worse.

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