Izuku gets a pet (or 8)

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A/n: So, first of all, I would like to say: this is only my third ever fanfic, and as such, it probably won't be amazing. Second, updates will be fairly random. However, if I haven't updated this in 6+ weeks, bug me about it. Third, my writing technique is: decide I want to write a chapter, sit here for three hours writing it, skim it for mistakes and add/remove parts (skipping the things that actually need fixing, ofc), and post. So, uh. Last, this is inspired by Rabbit Season by SomniumOfLight over on AO3! Have fun reading?


"Kacchan, I need to get home." Izuku mumbles.

"And why's that?" A boy with spiky blonde hair replies, smirking.

"Because Mom's gonna get worried if-"


Izuku winces. Katsuki's actually in a relatively good mood today, as hard as that might be to believe.

"You know what? I bet you could get home faster without that heavy backpack." Katsuki says suddenly.

"W-what?" Izuku stutters, utterly confused.

"Here, let me help." Katsuki then grabs Izuku's backpack from him and throws it. And if that wasn't enough, he also uses his quirk to propel it even further (and scorch it).

"Hey! Kacchan, that wasn't n-nice!" Izuku starts quickly walking towards his backpack, which had landed quite a ways away.

Katsuki suddenly grabs Izuku's shoulder and hisses at him.

"Deku. I said you could get home faster without it, didn't I?"

"Oh y-yeah, right. Um, I guess I'll just-"

He was cut off when Katsuki yelled "OW!"

The boy whipped around, furiously looking for whatever had made him shout.

A small, yellow, catlike... Thing was standing in the shadows, holding another rock at the ready.

"WHAT EVEN ARE YOU, PEST?!" Katsuki screeches at it. In response, the thing flattens its ears and hisses at him. Then, it proceeds to throw the rock it had been holding.

"HOW THE HELL CAN SUCH A TINY THING THROW SO HARD?" He charges at the creature, his crimson eyes filled with rage.

It then jumps onto his face, kicking and scratching.

"HET OFF MHE!" Katsuki's shouts were now partially muffled as he tried to pry the thing off his face.

Eventually, he managed to, and Izuku could see that his face was pretty banged up.

"I'll kill you!" Despite this claim, Katsuki starts backing up.

"I'll kill you! Just, tomorrow!" He then completely retreats, snapping at his 'friends', who were saying something worried sounding.

"Um, thanks?" Izuku says to the small creature. It chirps in response.

He walks the long way to his backpack and picks it up, then turns in the direction of home. The creature is there, looking up at him.

"Sorry, you can't come home with me."

The creature stares at him with those big, black, adorable eyes-

"Oh fine." Izuku consents.

"But how am I supposed to explain you to Mom?"

Izuku is almost back to his house when the creature (who he's starting to call Banana in his head) scurries off.

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