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"Mr Arthit Tawan you've been called inside"  said a girl while looking at a 5'7 boy wearing a baggy clothes with a messed up hairs and guitar on his shoulders."okay thank you" said Arthit while getting up and fixing his hair (knock knock) "please come inside Arthit you don't have to knock." said a man who was sitting on a desk chair. "Have a seat man" he said to Arthit. "Thanku" said Arthit while sitting. "how are you doing Arthit?" he asked "i'm doing good Sir, Thank you." Said Arthit with respectful voice. "ohhhhoooo you don't have to be this disciplined with me after all you are my junior, and I always thought of you as my younger brother." He said. "thank you again bro but we are at workplace and you are my boss here so I must respect you." said arthit. "Okay okay fine who can win a debate with you ,so what do you wanted to talk about Arthit?" He asked  "yes, Sir  you told me last weekend that you were looking for a singer at your bar." Said Arthit "oh yes yes I completely forgot about that Sorry Arthit but I have already hired my friends brother he was in a need,I couldn't say no" he said. "Ohh oky no problem, but if you have any other work at your bar for me, please contact me." Said Arthit. "Sure my friend" he said "thank you said arthit as he left the room .

"Wassup man ur early today" a voice of a boy with nothing but a sharp blue eyes and a brown clear skin came from behind of Arthit . "Yes i went to meet a friend for a job at his bar. What about you? Why are you so early today Ravi" said Arthit . "Well, I'm always early you just don't know" said Ravi "okay okay whatever" said arthit while looking at Ravi's face . "Anyways, you said you went looking for a job any news?" Asked Ravi "No man he already hired someone else, I really thought I'll get this one.)said Arthit with dissatisfaction. "Hy Arthit I've been meaning to ask why are u so desperate in a need of job? I can help u my friend , if u have  any problems uk that right? U can always talk to me." Said Ravi  "Yes i know it's just a thing with my dad he's medicines are so costly, and he's still drinking it's getting out of control I don't know what to do" said arthit. "i can lend u money, you know your friend is rich right?" Said Ravi "I know, Thanku Ravi but noo and anyways it's your father's money, not yours." Said Arthit "Hyyyyyy he's the one who gives me money, I never ask for it" said Ravi. "Yeaaahhhh whatever" said Arthit while giving side eyes to ravi. "Don't worry my friend I know you'll find a better job than this, I believe in you" said Ravi while tapping on arthit's shoulder. "I hope so" said Arthit with a sad voice. "Ah ah don't be sad my friend let's go lecture or will be late."Said Ravi as they leave.

"Hello and Gud afternoon first years, as I don't know how many have u selected this faculty for genuine reasons, but let me tell you filmmaking is not for fun" professor talking in background as Ravi said "ohhh noooo, it's just the beginning of semester and she's scaring the shit out of me." Arthit smiled at Ravi while nodding his head. " So class let's begin with our faculties very first event of this year, we are organizing a film making competition in our university, it is ur responsibility to make sure that every faculty in this university take part in it ,as well as all four years from this faculty will take part in it including u first yrs. your senior will guide u through the procedure if u guys have any queries feel free to ask that will be all class Thank you" said professor as she leaves the room. Arthit turns to Ravi and says "this is so waste of time, I mean I love filmmaking and directing but It's just a beginning of semester and they're keeping an event, which is mandatory to attend how will i manage, here I was thinking to look for a job." "Don't worry my friend you have me don't you" says Ravi  "Yessss i know but still" as he was speaking all seniors entered the room and started guiding them about the event and the prize money and how they have 2 weeks to prepare for this competition. "Dude did you hear that 20,000 is the prize money" says Arthit. "I know it's too low and i mean who even cares about the money we are not doing it anyways right? Ravi asked Arthit. "Ohohoho 20,000 is less to you? Ohh I forgot who am I even talking to anyway, not only we will take part in this competition but we will win it too" says Arthit with confidence. "When it comes to money u will do anything right?"asks Ravi "Yessss i can even kiss you for it" said Arthit while leaning towards Ravi to kiss him. "Please don't" said Ravi (hahahahaha) . "Let's not forget we have to announce this in each faculty, or the seniors will eat us out. They already have divided us and gave us each faculty to announce which one have you got Ravi?" Arthit asks "Ahhh media Faculty what about you?" Said Ravi with a question  "Art literature let's goo." Said Arthit As they left there faculty building and got separated to announce at the faculty they were told to.

"Hello everyone, myself Arthit I'm a first yr student at faculty of flim making and this is my senior with me, we are here to announce the following event which is about to take place in our university , our faculty is organizing an event of flim making competition. where you can present your ur film's as well as your script, our faculty will be glad if u guys participate and join us in this fun ride. you guys have have 2 weeks to prepare, if you have any queries feel free to ask. thank u everyone" as arthit completed his sentence his senior adds "also guys we have a prize money of 20,000" . "Wowwww so you want us to participate for 20,000? At the end of the day it's all about money right?" (Said Roshni, a girl With her black glasses perched elegantly on her nose Behind the lenses of her glasses, her eyes gleam with intelligence, sparkling like jewels against the warm tones of her skin.Her hair, a cascade of dark wave black curls, frames her face in a way that accentuates her natural beauty.) "If that's the case you can count me out, I already have enough." Said Roshni  "You are speaking as if you have already won this competition" said Arthit while giving a fierce look to Roshni. "No doubt in that I know I will win, so y wasting time on it" Roshni said while she tucked her hairs behind her ears. "U pretend to be so sharp miss, I wonder if u've heard this or not but it goes like A great man once said "Over-confidence is the way to give your soul to the devil an inch at a time." Arthit quoted. "How dare you, who the hell do you think you are to question my potential?" Said Roshni as she bang her desk with her hands aggressively.  "you don't have to know me ,so are you just gonna talk miss or ur gonna participate as well" said Arthit with his clam voice. "You just watch mister whoever you are not only I'm gonna participate in this event but I'll win it too" said Roshni with confidence. "Good luck with that" said Arthit as they left the Art literature faculty .

(Arthit was sitting at the round table as Ravi came to him with a lunch)  "man I think I'm in love" said Ravi while placing the food on table. "what?" Asked Arthit. "How can someone be this cute and pretty I can't get her of off my mind, I should've asked for her Instagram man." Said Ravi while scratching his head. "what?? Who are you talking about? Why don't you clam down the excitement first and tell me" said Arthit . "Dude I went to the Media Faculty for the event announcement and there she was sitting at first seat.she's not from this world I am telling you.  {ACTUAL SCENE: "Hello everyone we are from the faculty of filmmaking, I am Ravi we are here to announce about the competition at our university organized by our faculty" as Ravi was speaking someone interrupt him. "Mr Ravi" (a high pitched voice reached Ravi's ears)delicate yet defined facial structure, High gracefully arched eyebrows frame her captivating eyes, which sparkle with warmth and intelligence. she was looking at Ravi. "yess!!" Ravi said shockingly while taking a pause of 2 min as he was amazed by her beauty. "Mr Ravi, can I take a video of ur announcement for our university's page ,I handle the media acc of our University and I  upload all the events there so that everyone can see it." She said "Sure sure" said Ravi.  "thanku Mr Ravi" she said while smiling. "You don't have to call me Mr I'm a first yr student too, you can call me Ravi" Ravi corrected her. "Ohhhhh I thought ur senior,  sry for that Ravi, u can start with the announcement" she said as she opens her camera. "So everyone it'll mean alot to us if u guys participate, feel free to ask any questions thanku." Ravi ended the announcement after the announcement everyone started to leave the room ,as Ravi was looking for that girl but looks like she already left. } "Wait so ur telling me u don't even know her name?" Asked Arthit with a question mark on his face . "No man I didn't got the chance to ask n I was looking for after the announcement but I don't know when she left" said Ravi with a sad voice. "Don't worry my friend I hope u see her soon." Arthit comeferting his friend. "yessss, What about you? done with the announcement? Ravi asks  "Yesss but my experience was quite opposite to yours." Said Arthit "what happened?" Asks Ravi "well she was quite annoying, anyways let's leave I'm tired today" said Arthit while streching his body. "Who was annoying? Ravi asks "no one, I'm leaving ur coming or not?" Asks Arthit " I'm coming but who was annoying?" Ravi asks again "stop it I'm not telling you, bye" said Arthit "ohk fine Come I'll drop you" said Ravi. "Thanks but u go ahead I have to make a stop at hospital to collect the medicines" said Arthit  "Ohkkk see you tomorrow."

                                   THE END

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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