3.The Great Debate pt.1

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The day of the Celine silverware event arrived, and Emily was nervous but excited. She had worked hard to prepare, and she knew she had nailed the campaign.

As she arrived at the venue, she saw Ciara standing by the entrance, looking stunning in a silver gown. But Emily could see the jealousy in her eyes, and she knew she had to be careful.

The event was a huge success, with Emily's photos and videos being displayed on giant screens and billboards. The CEO of Celine praised her work, and the other models and designers congratulated her on her success.

But Ciara was not happy. She had been hoping to sabotage Emily's performance, but it seemed her plans had backfired. As the night wore on, she became more and more agitated, until finally she stormed out of the venue, leaving everyone in shock.

Emily was relieved when the event was over, but she knew she had to be careful. Ciara was not a model to be trifled with, and she would stop at nothing to get what she wanted.

As she left the venue, Emily was met with a surprise. Elijah, the creative director, was waiting for her, a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

"Congratulations, Emily," he said, his eyes shining with admiration. "You were amazing tonight. I knew you had it in you."

Emily blushed, feeling a flutter in her chest. She had been hoping to impress Elijah, and it seemed she had succeeded.

But as she took the flowers from him, she couldn't help but wonder what Ciara's next move would be. She knew she had to be careful, or she could find herself in a world of trouble.

As Emily walked away from the venue with Elijah, she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. She had nailed the campaign, and she had impressed the CEO of Celine and Elijah, the creative director.

But as they walked, Elijah's phone rang. He answered it, and his expression turned serious.

"What is it?" Emily asked, feeling a sense of unease.

"It's Ciara," Elijah said, his voice low. "She's threatening to quit the agency if you're not fired."

Emily's eyes widened in shock. "What? That's ridiculous!"

Elijah nodded. "I know, but Nathan is taking her seriously. He's calling an emergency meeting to discuss your future at the agency."

Emily felt a surge of anger and frustration. She had worked so hard to get where she was, and now Ciara was trying to take it all away from her.

As they arrived at the agency, Emily could see Ciara pacing back and forth in the lobby, her face red with anger.

"Let's get this over with," Elijah said, his voice firm. "We'll go in there and fight for your place at this agency."

Emily nodded, feeling a sense of determination. She was not going to let Ciara win.

As they entered the meeting room, Nathan was already there, looking nervous and agitated. Ciara was sitting next to him, her arms crossed and a smug look on her face.

"Let's get started," Nathan said, his voice trembling. "Ciara has made some serious allegations against you, Emily. She says you're difficult to work with and that you're stealing her clients."

Emily laughed, feeling a sense of outrage. "That's not true! Ciara is just trying to sabotage me because she's jealous of my success."

Ciara stood up, her face red with anger. "How dare you! I'm the one who's been with this agency for years, not you!"

The meeting descended into chaos, with everyone shouting and arguing. Emily knew she had to stay calm and focused if she wanted to prove her innocence and keep her place at the agency.

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