Ciara raised an eyebrow. "We'll see about that."

And with that, she turned and walked away, leaving Emily feeling like she had just been slapped.

Emily watched Ciara walk away, feeling a mix of emotions. She was angry at Ciara's condescending attitude, but also intimidated by her confidence and poise. She knew she had to step up her game if she wanted to succeed in this agency.

Just then, Elijah approached her, a concerned look on his face. "Hey, Emily, are you okay? You looked a bit shaken after talking to Ciara."

Emily nodded, trying to brush it off. "I'm fine, thanks for asking. Just a little intimidated, I guess."

Elijah smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry about Ciara, Emily. She's all bark and no bite. You have talent and potential, and that's what matters."

Emily smiled back, feeling a surge of gratitude towards Elijah. "Thanks, Elijah. That means a lot coming from you."

But as she walked away, she couldn't shake off the feeling that Ciara was not going to make things easy for her. She was the top model for a reason, and Emily was just a newcomer trying to steal her thunder.

Over the next few days, Emily noticed that Ciara was constantly sabotaging her. She would move Emily's props, hide her clothes, and even whisper negative comments in her ear during shoots. Emily tried to ignore her, but it was hard to focus when Ciara was always lurking in the background, waiting for her to slip up.

One day, Emily had had enough. She confronted Ciara in the dressing room, her anger boiling over. "Ciara, what's your problem? Why are you always sabotaging me?"

Ciara smirked, her eyes glinting with malice. "You think you can take my place, Emily? You think you can just waltz in here and steal my spotlight? I don't think so."

And with that, she turned and walked away, leaving Emily seething with anger and frustration.Emily was furious. She had never been one to back down from a fight, and Ciara's constant sabotage was pushing her to her limits. She decided to take matters into her own hands and confront Ciara once and for all.

The next day, Emily arrived at the agency early, determined to catch Ciara off guard. She found her in the dressing room, sipping coffee and looking like the queen of the castle.

"Ciara, we need to talk," Emily said, her voice firm but controlled.

Ciara raised an eyebrow. "What could you possibly want to talk about, Emily? You're just a newbie trying to make a name for yourself."

Emily took a deep breath and let her anger pour out. "I know what you've been doing, Ciara. I know you've been sabotaging me, hiding my clothes and props, and whispering negative comments in my ear. And I want it to stop."

Ciara laughed, a cold, mirthless sound. "You think you can take me down, Emily? You think you can outmodel me? I don't think so."

And with that, she turned and walked away, leaving Emily seething with anger and frustration.

But Emily was not one to give up easily. She decided to take a different approach. She started arriving early to shoots, making sure to get the best angles and poses. She worked hard to perfect her craft, and soon her photos were getting more attention than Ciara's.

Ciara noticed, and her sabotage escalated. She started spreading rumors about Emily, telling the other models that she was difficult to work with and had a bad attitude.

But Emily didn't let it get to her. She knew that Ciara was just trying to distract her from her goals. And she was determined to succeed, no matter what Ciara threw her way.

Just as the tension between Ciara and Emily was reaching a boiling point, Nathan walked into the dressing room, a smug look on his face.

"Ladies, I have some news," he said, his voice dripping with excitement. "Ciara and Emily, you have both been offered a new deal with Celine for their annual silverware event."

Ciara's eyes lit up with excitement, while Emily's face remained neutral.

"That's amazing news, Nathan!" Ciara exclaimed. "I knew I was the perfect model for this job."

Emily rolled her eyes. "Congratulations, Ciara. I'm sure you'll do great."

But Nathan wasn't finished. "There's a catch, ladies. The CEO of Celine was particularly impressed with Emily's work, and he wants her to be the lead model for the campaign."

Ciara's face fell, and she shot Emily a venomous look. "What? That's not fair! I'm the one who's been with this agency for years, not her."

Emily shrugged. "I guess the CEO saw something in me that he didn't see in you, Ciara."

Ciara's eyes narrowed, and she began to plot her sabotage. She started spreading rumors about Emily, telling the other models that she was difficult to work with and had a bad attitude. She even went so far as to hide Emily's props and clothes, hoping to make her look unprofessional.

But Emily was not one to give up easily. She worked hard to perfect her craft, and soon her photos were getting more attention than Ciara's. And when the CEO of Celine saw the final shots, he was impressed. Emily had nailed the campaign, and Ciara was left looking like a bitter, jealous model.

As the days went by, Emily's star continued to rise, while Ciara's fell. And Nathan, the agency's owner, was left to wonder if he had made a mistake by pitting two talented models against each other.

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