Prologue Pt. 3 Beta Test

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[AGE OF MC 14]
[A/N: Kazuha looks the same in and out of game]

Kazuha looked at the Nervegear in front of him.

He had gotten it because he had applied for the Beta test of <<SWORD ART ONLINE>>

For the last couple of days he had been playing on it every day and every night.

It was the one thing that he could focus on at all times.

He grabbed the helmet like device and laid down on his bed with it on his head.

Kazuha: Link Start!

The rush of colors invaded Kazuhas vision as the system loaded his account.






Kazuha knew this would happen, he wasn't suprised. But it still made him upset.

Kazuha logged into his account [Kazuhara] and opened his eyes to the world of [SAO].

Kazuhara: Ah~ it's good to be back!

Kazuhara looked around, his vision wasn't terrible but at the same time he couldn't see as far as other players could.

Kazuhara: Ok, I think I should spend my last bit of time in the [Town of Beginnings]. After all, it's always fun to go beat up some low level mobs after getting alot stronger.

While Kazuhara was on the first floor he ran into a woman that had short brown hair and green eyes. She seemed to be struggling with her [Rapier].

Kazuhara walked up to her while playing an item he picked up on the 2nd floor, the [Wind Flute].

The lady heard the music and looked around to see Kazuhara behind her.

Kazuhara: Hello there!

Lady: ...general kanobi your a bold one...

Kazuhara: ...

Lady: ...

Kazuhara: I love you.

The lady blushed and started waving her hands around.

Lady: Uh- but we just met! I dont even know your name! You don't even know my name!  I mean your handsome and all but—

Kazuhara laughed and the lady pouted.

Lady: Oh come on! Don't make fun of me!

Kazuhara: I'm not, I'm not. My name is Kazuhara, nice to meet you.

Kazuhara put his hand out for the lady to shake and she took it.

Koharu: My name is Koharu. And... because you made fun of me you have to help me learn how to use this thing!

Koharu lifted her rapier to Kazuhara.

Kazuhara: Ok, well... I don't really know how to use one... but my sword is similar enough where it should be fine.

Kazuhara equipped his one-handed long sword that seemed more like a katana then a long sword.

Kazuhara: Alright Koharu, listen closely.

Kazuhara then taught Koharu how to weild and use a Rapier correctly, afterwards he taught her about sword skills and how to use them.

Kazuhara: good job Koharu, you got this down pat!

Koharu: Thanks Kazuhara! Um... could you teach me to use another weapon as well?

Kazuhara: Sure, which one?

Koharu: a knife!

Kazuhara froze up for a second.

Kazuhara: ...your going to have to find someone else.

Koharu: then I think I will stick to the rapier.

Kazuhara layer down under a tree.

Kazuhara: this world. It's amazing isn't it?

Koharu sat down next to him.

Koharu: it sure is...

Kazuhara: everything is so real and beautiful...

Koharu looked down at Kazuharas face.

Koharu:  ...yep, very beautiful. It's sad today's the last day of the beta test.

Kazuhara: Speaking of which why have you only played till today?

Koharu: how did you figure that?

Kazuhara: Just the fact you didn't even know how to use a weapon.

Koharu: oh... yeah that's makes sense... I was doing a bunch of shopping. 

Kazuhara sat up and looked at Koharu.

Kazuhara: that makes sense.

Koharu looked at him with her mouth agape.

Koharu: what does that mean?!

Kazuhara: you just seem like somebody who would enjoy shopping.

Koharu lightly punched Kazuharas shoulder.

Koharu: that has nothing to do with this!

Kazuhara: *sarcastically* owww

Koharu: Oh shut up.

A message appeared in front of both of their vision. [BETA TEST ENDS IN 《10 MINUTES》]

Kazuhara: Well it was fun while it lasted! Can't wait for the full game!

Kazuhara jumped up and started looking around. Koharu looked up at him and grabbed his hand.

Kazuhara: Hmm?

Koharu: ...are you going to be online on the first day of complete release?

Kazuhara: Yep!

Koharu: ...awesome! I'll be there too!

Kazuhara: That's great!

Koharu looked down with a light blush on her face.

Koharu: Hey Kazuhara, I don't want to seem weird sense we've only know eachother for a couple of hours but...

Kazuhara: Hmm?

Koharu: I want to get to know you better! I want to talk to you Irl! So please, can I have your phone number?

Kazuhara: Sure!

Koharu: Huh?

Kazuhara: Yeah I'll give it to you, you seem cool and I'd love to get to know you better too! In fact you'd be the third person that I met online that I'd give my number to.

Koharu: who are the others?

Kazuhara: a cool dude named [Kirito] and someone who sells information named [Argo] if you want I could make a group chat with them in it.

Koharu: ...yeah that would be nice... hey could we meat irl tomorrow?

Kazuhara: Sure, but first here's my number.

Chapter end brought to you by Koharu kicking her legs while staring at her phone with a new contact labeled [♡Kazuhara♡]

Well there it be.

I have decided on two love interests, you guess!


Guess how his username was made

We've only got 2 more "prologues" till the main story, some things will be changed.

Welp, have a wonderful day!

Word count 970

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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