Chapter 2 : Taylor

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Where the fuck is John's room?

I've been walking around this literal mansion for hours. Not actually hours, probably like 5 minutes, but it feels like hours. I should just call him or something, but that's too much effort. So I keep walking.

About 10 minutes later, I finally find his room. I knock on the door and it takes him 7 seconds to open the door, I know because I counted.

"Why are you here so late?" He says, rubbing his eyes.

It is like 12am, but that's really not the point here.

"You told me you'd show me where my room is." I say, smiling slightly.

"Oh, right, yeah," He walks out of his room and closes the door behind him, gesturing for me to follow. "Come on."

I follow after him. We walk in silence, but it's not awkward. Me and my brother don't need to engage in small talk, or fill silences. It's always been that way between us.

He leads me down a corridor, the exact corridor where Graysons room is, and gestures to a door.

"That's your room, now I have to go back to mine." He rubs his eye before turning and walking away.

It's funny, he's rarely ever that tired, something must've today.

I walk into my room, and immediately notice it is much better than any room I've ever had before. There is a queen-sized bed in the middle with plain white sheets, and it looks very comfortable. Beside that, there's a little bedside table with a vase of flowers in it. I wonder who put those in there. There's also a wardrobe, big enough to fit all my clothes and beside it, a shelf. A bookshelf. And it's empty.

I have a bookshelf! Now, while I'm not protecting the pretty rich boy, I can read my books. How exciting is that?

There's also a desk in front of the bed, beside another door. There's two rooms? Wait, what if it's someone else's room?

Cautiously, I walk through the door. It's a bathroom. I have my own bathroom. Wow, rich people.

I walk out of the bathroom and walk over to where my suitcase is on the floor, going to unpack it. Then, my phone starts ringing.

I check to see who it is, it's Olivia. Thank God. I've been waiting for her to call all day.

The second I answer the phone, she starts talking.

"So, how's the rich boy?" She asks, her voice very clearly teasing me.

Well, unfortunately for her, I have nothing to say that will lead her to tease me. I think. "Actually, he's not really what I thought he'd be like."

"Oh? What's that supposed to mean?" She questions, and it's pretty obvious she doesn't believe me.

"He's not annoying or disrespectful. He was actually really nice when I was late earlier." I start to unpack my suitcase, pulling out some folded clothes and walking over to my wardrobe to put them in.

"Well, rich people need to make a good impression. Trust me, he's gonna start bossing you around in a week, tops."

"You really have no faith in him, do you?" I walk back over to the suitcase and take out another pile of folded clothes.

"I know everything about him already. He's hot, rich, spoiled, privileged and hot." She states matter-of-factly.

"You said hot twice."

"I know."

I roll my eyes at that. "He's not that hot." It was kind of a lie, but I needed Olivia to see him as something other than a hot guy. Why? No idea.

"He is very hot, I bet you're blushing just thinking about him."

"I'm gonna hang up on you if you mention his attractiveness one more time." I unzip my backpack and pull out the few books I brought with me.

"So you admit he's attractive!" She sounds very proud of herself when she says that, and it pisses me off.

"Oh, shut up, you know he's attractive." I pick up the first book. The Cruel Prince, wonderful book, worthy of being brought over.

"But do you?" She's very giddy when she says that. As if she knows something I don't. But she doesn't. Because I don't find Grayson Hawthorne attractive.

"No, I don't." I say plainly.

"Sure you don't, I don't believe you."

"You don't need to believe me."

"Well I don't."

I roll my eyes. Even if I did find him attractive, (which I didn't) what would be the big deal?

"I'm losing braincells talking to you right now, Olivia."

"I actually have to go up to my dads tomorrow for my brothers birthday, so you can keep your braincells."

"Goodnight." I say as I walk back over to the phone. I'm not gonna be the one to hang up, that's just rude.

"Goodnight." She says before hanging up.

Almost immediately after I hang up, a sense of exhaustion washes over me. I really need to sleep. I walk over to the bed in the middle of the room and pull back the covers. I'm not even bothered to put on my pyjamas.

I check my phone for any new notifications. I got a few. One from Pinterest, a few from Twitter. Probably about the new Taylor swift album, I still haven't listened to it yet. And one from Sam.

You have to talk to me eventually, Taylor.

I tense up when I read the message. Goosebumps form on my arm. I don't. I won't.

I quickly turn off my phone and place it on my nightstand.

I'll unpack tomorrow. I'll answer Sam tomorrow. I'll worry about this whole job tomorrow.

Right now, I need to sleep.

I close my eyes, drifting off almost immediately.


(A/N: super short, kinda just wanted to introduce taylor for you guys. nearly 1000 words🥳, im trying to upload more but life be getting in the way ykyk)

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: May 11 ⏰

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