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Eddie stood hidden behind the thick foliage that lined the sandy shore, his heart pounding in his chest as he watched Eiry from afar. The sun was beginning to set, casting a golden hue over the beach, but Eddie's focus was solely on the scene unfolding before him.
Eiry stood by the water's edge, her golden hair swirling in the gentle breeze, as she chatted and laughed with another surfer – the same one Eddie had seen her with for the past three days since he had finally tracked her down in Hawaii. He couldn't tear his gaze away from her, feeling a mix of curiosity and jealousy swirling inside him.

The weather was warm, the salty ocean breeze carrying the sound of laughter and the crashing of waves. The beach was dotted with palm trees swaying in the wind, their fronds rustling softly. Eddie watched as a seagull swooped low over the water, its cries blending with the sound of the surf. As he continued to observe Eiry, his eyes misted over with tears. Despite being just a few meters away, she felt so out of reach – a dream slipping through his fingers. His heart ached with the intensity of his longing, the ache of missing her almost unbearable. His fingers clenched into fists as he struggled with his emotions. He wanted nothing more than to stride over to her, to take her in his arms and never let go. But fear held him back, paralyzing him with its icy grip. He had failed her. He knew he had failed her tremendously. And so, he remained hidden in the shadows, watching as Eiry's laughter floated towards him on the breeze, a melody that tugged at his heartstrings.

The sun sank lower in the sky, casting long shadows on the sand, and Eddie knew that he had to find the courage to approach her before it was too late.
Taking a deep breath, he stepped out from his hiding place and walked slowly towards them, his heart in his throat.

Eddie had spent days watching Eiry from afar, hidden among the rocks that lined the shore. His heart ached with the memories of their love, the warmth of her touch, and the sound of her laughter. But fear had kept him rooted in place, a prisoner to his doubts and insecurities. As he drew closer, his heart pounded with a mix of anticipation and dread.
Eiry, lost in thought, was startled by a soft sound behind her. She saw Kelly watching over her shoulder, and then, her gaze shifted, and her breath caught in her throat as she locked eyes with Eddie. Time seemed to stand still as they gazed at each other, emotions swirling between them like a tumultuous sea. Love, longing, regret, and hope mingled in the air around them, creating an invisible bond that neither time nor distance could break. Eddie took a tentative step forward, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Eiry..." He said, his voice trembling with emotion.

"No!" Eiry suddenly started shaking her head and her voice was loud enough to send an echo through the beach. "No...No....No..." She stuttered.

"Hey..." Kelly tried to touch her, but she strayed.

"Don't touch her!" Eddie barked. "Eiry... love..."

"Love?" She repeated his words as if he was saying something offensive. "Stay away from me!"

"Eiry!" Eddie yelled as she started running away.

Eiry's heart pounded as she sprinted along the sandy beach, her feet leaving light imprints in the warm golden grains. The salty breeze whipped through her hair, echoing the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside her. She glanced back, catching a glimpse of Eddie's figure in the distance, his expression a mix of confusion and longing.
Conflicted feelings tugged at Eiry's heartstrings as she ran towards her secluded cabin, the place where she hoped to find solace and escape the turmoil brewing inside her. The memories of their time together flooded her mind, and the love that once bloomed between them. Yet, Eiry was determined she had to let go. Eddie's mistakes lingered like shadows in her mind, casting doubt on their future together. As much as she wanted to hold onto him, the pain of their fractured relationship weighed heavy on her spirit, urging her to break free.

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