Morning Misery - Regret

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「Warning, the following content contains sensitive topics such as; Swearing, Gore description, Use of weapons, Abuse, Etc. If you have a problem with these topics, feel free to leave now. Reader discretion is advised.」

Larry Johnson POV - Thursday Morning - 04/22/19XX

I felt bad after I closed the door and went to go talk about it with my mom. She's like my voice of reason. I told her about what happened and she told me to apologize to him. I did sound like a massive jerk, I'd miss my dad too if he was my only family. I went back to my room to apologize but he wasn't in there. I called Sal, thinking he'd be at his place. However, Sal told me he hadn't been to his apartment since he's been here.

I thought for a while and then remembered that we had school that day. He had to be there. I quickly hung up and got dressed before grabbing my backpack and leaving. Not without giving my mom a kiss on the cheek of course. I ran to school with Sal just in time to get to class before the bell.

I sat in class for a good thirty minutes before Sal texted me and told me to meet him in the bathroom. I asked to go but the teacher lady said I'd have to give her my phone before I could. But I did, even though I didn't want to. I met up with Sal in the bathroom like he told me to. He told me that Travis wasn't there, he even asked that other blue haired boy. I think his name is Alex or something. Anyways, he's Travis's closest friend basically. But he said that he hasn't seen Travis at all for a few weeks.

"I'm going to look around town. You stay here and tell the teachers I threw up and went home or something." Sal soon told me, I really wanted to help look but it isn't a good idea for both of us to skip. I agreed after a bit and he ran off to sneak out.

I hope he finds him soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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