Morning Misery - No So Pleasant Surprise

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「Warning, the following content contains sensitive topics such as; Swearing, Gore description, Use of weapons, Abuse, Etc. If you have a problem with these topics, feel free to leave now. Reader discretion is advised.」

Travis Phelps POV - Tuesday Morning 04/20/19XX

I woke up around four in the morning and toughed out the pain that washed over my body. I took a short shower, about five minutes, just to get the vomit and dried chunks out of my hair and off my face. I then hurried to get dressed in my room. I grabbed a spare jacket along with my backpack and went downstairs almost instantly. I hid the spare key he kept under the mat in the sole of my shoe just a few months ago. He was pissed about it going 'missing' but he just got another one anyways.

I left and I was going to just walk to school but it doesn't let students in until six thirty. So instead, I walked to the nearest drugstore to get some food. I hate wasting the money I saved up just to get food but I was fucking starving. God, I felt pathetic.

I got there and the first thing I saw on the steps in front of me was fucking Johnson. I tried to ignore him but he was almost staring daggers into me when I walked into the store, I could feel it. I bought my things of course and tried avoiding him when I exited the store but that made him get up and grab my wrist. I flinched and quickly began to panic before shoving my nails into his hand and looking at him. He looked at me like I was fucking insane. He let me go after a few minutes but removed the hood I had on.

"Shit dude, what the fuck happened? You look horrible. Why are you out so early?" Johnson then decided to ask. I just scoffed at him. He smelled like booze and weed. Disgusting. "That's none of your business, faggot." I snapped at him and rubbed my wrist as he just stood and watched. He then proceeded to ask me again and again but after a while, I gave in and told him at least one answer.

"I'm outside so my father doesn't make me stay home again." I huffed, making Larry squint and process slowly. He has the mind of a fucking goldfish, I swear. "It's not a good idea to be outside in just a sweatshirt, thin jeans, and a jacket, man." I heard him say, making me snap at him again. "And where do you suppose that I'm supposed to go, dipshit?"

"You can come to my place." I then heard Johnson say, making me look up at him with disbelief. What the fuck is this guy trying to do? Doesn't he remember all the shit I've done to Sally Face and his little faggy group? I then realized that he's high and probably drunk as well.

"No, thank you." I said in response and was about to walk off but that was until I was lifted off the ground. He literally fucking picked me up. Who the hell does this guy think he is? He's carrying me like a fucking football, what the fuck?

I apparently spaced out for a while because before I knew it, we were at the fucking apartments. He set me on my feet once we got inside and walked to the elevator, motioning for me to follow. Against my bitter judgment, I followed him into the elevator. It wasn't like five people cramped but I felt highly uncomfortable and cramped being with him of all people in a fucking elevator.

He took out a card and put it in the bottom slot. I watched silently before he pressed the button beside the slot and I felt my stomach drop once the elevator started moving. It was only for about a minute but it made me feel sick. We got out when we got to the basement floor and I followed him again. This time he led me to what I assumed was his apartment and his room. He told me to sit on his bed and I listened after taking off my backpack. He tossed his jacket and then proceeded to approach me.

"So, will you tell me what happened to you now? Johnson then asked and sat on the bed beside me. I don't trust him. But whatever, he was nice enough to let me stay here, I guess. "My father was very… Violent the past week and I decided to leave early this morning to avoid him." I then told him, making him get that look that basically called me insane. I shouldn't have said anything, he's not going to believe that shit.

It was quiet for a while until Johnson stood and walked off. I could only watch and feel disappointed with myself. I'm just waiting until his high wears off and he kicks me out. That's going to be nice to experience.

God fucking strike me down.

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