Chapter 1

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As they went their separate ways, Lance's thoughts were consumed by the chance encounter with Keith. He couldn't shake the feeling that their encounters were more than mere coincidence.

"Hey, wait up!" Keith's voice called out from behind him, interrupting Lance's reverie.

Lance turned to see Keith jogging to catch up, a warm smile on his face. "Mind if I walk with you?" Keith asked, falling into step beside Lance. Lance felt a rush of excitement at the prospect of spending more time with Keith.

"Sure, I'd like that," he replied, trying to suppress the butterflies in his stomach. As they walked together, Keith peppered Lance with questions about himself, their conversation flowing effortlessly.

Lance found himself opening up to Keith in ways he hadn't with anyone else, their connection growing stronger with each passing moment.

Keith would often catch Lance staring at him in class, but he never paid attention to it. But as he walked with Lance, he really was staring.

Keith could feel Lance's eyes on him as he kept talking. Lance looked intimidating from up close, but he knew he couldn't judge because everyone was different.

"So... What class are you going to for today?" Keith asked, "Oh.. I have chemistry, math, Spanish, and history. Ugh, I can't believe I'm stuck with the most boring classes this week." Lance scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Pfft, those are easy subjects." Keith giggled, Lance's eyes lit up, seeing Keith smile and laugh for the first time. He was shocked that he had made that.

"That's... because you're smart and an academic achiever. I barely have A's on my report card. It's all B's and C's." He crossed his arms and pouted.

"Pfft, alright. Then, anyway, we're here now. I'll see you at Math and History, Lance." Keith waved goodbye as Lance waved back. Seeing Keith slowly disappear into the crowded hallway.


313 words..... its so short omg-

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