"Right, not airport appropriate attire." She laughed. "Can you help me out of this?" She pivoted on the spot, scooping her hair off her neck to allow him access to the zippers.

He swallowed thickly, trying to focus his attention on something other than her back pressed into the front of him and the way her exposed neck looked like it would be so soft to kiss. It was giving him flash backs to that night in the club. Instead he reached for the zipper to free her from the bodysuit, trying to avert his eyes as she stripped herself out of it and stood in front of him in nothing but her underwear. He supposed after all the costume changes needed for the show she'd got used to stripping off in front of other people.

She fumbled around on the sofa for a moment and located a pair of sweatpants and much to his delight, the McLaren shirt with his name on.

"That looks good on you." He smirked.

"It's becoming one of my favourites... I might need to steal another one." She joked.

He held out his hand and she took it, allowing him to pull her back in towards his chest, placing a soft kiss on her forehead. She wrapped her arms around him and looked up at him. How was it possible to feel so much better just by being around someone? He was like a breath of fresh air.

She looked up at him for a moment, hesitating before pressing her lips to his. She'd been wanting to do it since they'd parted ways at the airport. He hesitated for a moment before kissing her back, arms winding around her and pulling her flush against him. "You know." She whispered as she eventually pulled away from him. "If we're going to spend the week together I'm going to get to do that a lot more."

He laughed quietly. "I can't say I'd complain." He should stop her, it was a bad idea for both of them but he just couldn't...

"Right come on, let's go." Cassie said, walking in. "The car is outside. You coming with us, Lando?" She didn't even look up from her phone.

"Actually, I'm going to go to Monaco with Lando." Hannah interjected.

Cassie's head snapped up from her phone. "No you're not. You've got interviews to do, I've booked things to try and counteract the damage from whatever the hell that was Thursday night. I can't now cancel them. Imagine what they'll say." Her tone was sharp and Hannah briefly thought if looks could kill she'd be dead.

She wavered for a second, but took a deep breath and stepped away from Lando, keeping their hands interlaced. "I'm going to Monaco, it's not up for discussion. I can do the interviews over zoom or you can reschedule them for another date, but I'm taking the week off."

Cassie looked at her like she'd grown another head. It was probably justified. Hannah couldn't remember a single time she'd spoken to Cassie like that the entire time they'd worked together. "I need this Cassie. I need a break." She added quietly. Lando squeezed her hand reassuringly. Glancing over her shoulder at him he looked about ready to fight Cassie if she tried to stop them. Cassie also looked at him for a moment like she was sizing up whether she could take him before letting out a sigh.

There was a pause before Cassie eventually nodded. "I'll make it work. Just don't do anything stupid, okay. I'll sort out getting your stuff to you and how we get you to the show next weekend with you during the week. If you think it'll help you then I'm all for it."

"Thanks Cass." Hannah nodded, turning to Lando. "Let's go!" She grinned.

He followed her towards the exit of the stadium, the spring in her step noticeable at the thought of spending a week actually doing what she wanted to do. She was a completely different person to the one he'd spent the night in that hotel room with a couple of days ago. The way she'd sobbed into his chest all night felt like some kind of fever dream looking at her now.

I can do it with a broken heart (Lando Norris)Where stories live. Discover now