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Gaining ground and merit points, Naya Nepal's fastened track reconstruction has upshot founding value systems. Ill luck, though, resides in open dereliction. The parallelogram was education. The paralysis of the conscience, however, is, deftly, choice. The learned are the book writer's provincial detour. As doorways begin to slide and surround, so do well-crafted verbs and verbalization. Earned behaviour has done it, again - lifted the masses, classes and country ilk from the dirge of catastrophe onto the barge of cautious neutrality. The resistance was so Vichy. French is a privilege on the worldwide web. The quizzed are happier. At a distance and instructional, modern schooling has won its lapels. Modems for all worked in the city but contrarian analyses are pushing for new boundaries, new gateways, social commerce renewed. The discovery of the influencer was beyond perception metrics. The market was weary and now it is influenced, retrofitted, rehearsed. 

 Bionic, binary, prototypical, the social is an encompassing artery. The Havana collective eased into evaporating, chaotic transnationalism but forsook the soul shaming neglect of rule books. Hardened musicality appears best fitted for the seas, the Sapien watchtower, a peripteral conversation. Cathartic value was mined and decided. The productive stresses and glow-less embers of the man-powered company are leading a resurrected normality, a deciduous fatalism. The temple is our fervent signifier - where the faithful ring bells, light lamps, worship in earnest retreat. The pantheon was in tow, leaving grants of humanist hope and decipherable existence. People were taken aback by the other, the significance of another, a careworn escape into the better natures of mortality. The eternal was ephemeral in their eyes but strength in living hostilities is superior to fevered endings, newer catastrophes. 

 An unfettered, long-forgotten road to morphed Marpha opens itself each time anxiety stands at the doorway. The past became a cache, a sachet, the daring marathon of a genome project. Fledgling oligarchy was wanton, waylaid. A consolidated nation cannot afford tribalist dialect nor loosened deviation. The cycle of birth and rebirth presses on for air, sanctions, blessed sanctity. Hardship has rewarded the dark, endangered burdens, the return to undulating geopolitics. The struggle for the Sputnik logos reached the peak, a characterized evolution, impossible ascension. Spring blossomed for the many, winter was a unitary descent. Unified, massaged, warmed by light, the merry-makers of Nepali workstations took geo-engineering back into the canal spout and the Kali Gandaki's benign currents. A heap of earth is resonant. To reap one must sow plenty. The fallow ranges are prehistoric, archaeological, esoteric but firm. 

 A nickel and dime swam around in the river's edge and answered the bird's lilting call. Our prayers were understood too as underlying assumptions on human materiality memorialized the sudden, epoch-making anvil of orthodox belief. Quick cadences of written verse, agile entries delivered, clear schema sketched for the future - all publish a climax, the entropy, our collective humanity. Pondering on the spirit, the wounds become a deletion. The nightmare has ended invasive, parsimonious thoughtlessness itself. Warmth was scattered as gifts, hyperlinked commas, wrought iron. A cool, metallic revision of sight and sound brought history to bear on the present, opened a telegraphic signal called leadership. Bourgeois pretence adds to the theory of everything and nothing. "The chair she sat on like a burnished throne ... " Unicode stays, ftp is for everyone, the smart touch will not be the gauntlet. Delish is a new normalcy. The homemade relish will be the trump card. 

 The soy beaned, tofu'd, gluten-conscious dark web is a current regime. Curated for the good life, we resemble the giant Chinese panda, fixated on bamboo and rice balls but expressing knowledge of darkness and light, east and west. Lasting impressions rarely leave. Those formative, formational years tutor, tailor an edgy society, take and give the red lantern of cultural ease. What is ecosophy? Sophisticated cars traverse the sporadic highway trip and petroleum has coloured the causeway to the cabin. Cottages are a new high. A farm table, wooden and wise, is a carved premonition, the muse of commitment, a workable easel in the Gorkhali palindrome. The justifiable society is an initiation, an analysis of fire and ice. To think, we must try and to try, we put thought aside for sundry processes of living trivia. The Terathum megalomania in Nepali life beseeches as it had broken stone in the past. Rich, recriminated, role played to sheer excellence, the stoke has recanted militarism, bought pheasants, declined the cushion of comfort zones. To see, there must be sight.

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