chapter 6

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"Are you .. sure ?"

Xingchen looks up as emperor Zixuan asks the same question to him again.  He nods firmly "yes , your highness, I have no love relation with Second prince Zemin. I took care of him on highness's order."

Xingchen sees the complex expression on his highness's face. He stays silent.

"Xingchen , I have announced Zemin's marriage thinking you ..." Emperor Zixuan hesitates "Anyways, does Zemin know about this .. I mean your intention about taking care of him..?"

"Second prince knows."Xingchen replies calmly. "His highness can ask second prince."

Zixuan sighs with a frown "no ..need. I apologise for my misunderstanding."

Xingchen bows before leaving the court hall. He doesn't look back. He made himself pretty clear to Zemin and his highness. There is nothing to look back.


"I am sorry !" Empress Yuzu opens his mouth after a long silence. Even though he heard Xingchen's reply from Zixuan yet he didn't believe it. He wanted to meet Xingchen face to face but he ended up meeting Zemin instead.

"There is nothing to say sorry, Yuzu. It's my fate. It has always been like this. Whatever I want, never comes to me." Zemin replies casually.

"Not that." Yuzu shakes his head with an anxious face "I made a big mistake. I announced your marriage without consulting you. I thought you and Xingchen would be ... Oh god."

"No need to panic like that." Zemin passes a glass of water to Yuzu "I have to take someone as my partner anyway. Just the difference is I have to marry now. A lawful partner. A concubine wouldn't do."

"Yes.." Yuzu frowns in worry then he looks up "No.. I would ask Zixuan to take back his announcement. You don't have to force yourself in an unwanted marriage."

Zemin shrugs "It's no big deal. I have already learned to compromise in these two years."

Yuzu's face becomes gloom "A marriage shouldn't be a compromise Zemin. You deserve a partner whom you love, who loves you .."

Zemin chuckles"Not everybody is lucky like my brother Yuzu. Life happens. I have to marry someone sooner or later. So, why damage Zi's reputation ?"

"But ..."

"My reputation is already no good throught out the kingdom. It will be hard for you to find a consort for me within tomorrow but I know you can definitely find someone."

Yuzu looks at Zemin's way too casual face "Are you sure ? You want to proceed with the wedding ?"

Zemin nods. "I am. I can't avoid it forever, so the sooner, the better. But whoever you choose just tell her my truth. Tell her about the actual truth behind this marriage. Then if she agrees, I have no problem."

Yuzu nods with a dejected face. Based on Zemin's calmness and determination , he knows that there is no point of talking anymore.

Yuzu turns around to leave but he eyes fall on Xingchen who is standing outside Zemin's door.

Xingchen bows at Yuzu "His highness has summoned Empress in his chamber."

Yuzu looks at Xingchen's face for sometimes. Did he really misunderstand Xingchen's feelings towards Zemin ?

"I was going to visit his highness. We need to select a consort for Zemin's marriage tomorrow." Yuzu tries to read Xingchen's expression. But Xingchen doesn't even blink. No hesitation, no shock, nothing.

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