the wedding

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Everyone was having a nice dance and everything was going well so far until we've heard a noise and I'd stepped outside the tent to see Bellatrix and other deaf theatres standing there attacking the bubble that was protecting the wedding. " BELLATRIX RUN INSIDE" I said to everyone but some other orders came outside with me. Good thing my hair was pink at the time because I was nervous not knowing if she was gonna recognize me but good thing I put that spell on she had no idea who I was. "Well hello Bella" I didn't smile but added a happy mocking tone.
"Who are you to call me that" she spat.

"The person who will put you six foot under" I laughed but still with no smile.

"You think you can beat me" he laughed mockingly

"Yes, yes I do"

"I'll take dear bella here you take the others, don't worry you won't die I'll be done with her soon" I pointed them away

Then the barrier came down and she ran into towards me I knew all her signature moves but Voldemort was nowhere to be seen so as she twisted and turned I already knew exactly what she was gonna do was throwing spells back and forth the other death is on the floor and as we were doing a little wand battle I send a spell in her way causing her to collide with the floor not able to get up.

"Oh dear bella, tut tut tut you really thought you could beat me." Suddenly my hair changed colours into a green with disgust.


"Oh no dear mother I'm a lot more than that"

"SADIE !!" She cried "I had no idea you were this good"

Are the new next to her and carved the words 'you're going down voldy'.

"No , Sadie stop" she screamed

"Of course mother let me put you out of your misery"

Everyone emerge at the house listening to the conversation that was happening between us shock to shows my mother but more shocked that I was gonna kill her

I pointed my wand at her

"Oh and mother remember when I was younger and you said you will get the Weasley's if it's the last thing you do, how does it feel that a 14-year-old stopped you from doing that"

"Little ron Weasley you're so lucky this girl was to save you or you'd be six foot under too" my hair turned red because I was angry this year just said that.

"How dare you say that to him" I said with a scowl.

"AVADA KEDAVRA" I screamed

I didn't realise it but I was smiling I touched my face and yelled.


"First smile.." I heard Molly mutter in disbelief.

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