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So far their was no change in Shantivan ,apart from the silence in the surrounding and a happy Anjali whose happiness reflected on her face from past few days. RM after long heard the laugh of Anjali who was mostly in company of Sheetal and her kitty party friends whom she invites in RM or Nani.

Her this change even reflected on her dressing adorned with heavy jewels and sarees even when indoors and the way she brags infront of her invited guests. Her this sudden change even though confused some of Raizadas but none question seeing her happy after long .

Unlike other days Khushi was just in RM . All day she kept herself busy knowing she had less time before she move out of Shantivan. By the time she was through with what she was doing , she realized she hadn't step out of their room after breakfast but she found it to be a better option than coming across the Kapoors and Raizadas.

Seeing she has nothing else to do and neither was Nk and her husband around she felt bored so she decided to take a nap hoping time will move faster.

Downstairs a relaxed Mami layed on the long leather coach fanning herself, face ,face masked  while Payal presses her feet in between bearing her mother-in-law tantrum who kept berating her complaining of her pressing her feet too hard.

Though enjoying tormenting her daughter-in-law ,Mami discreetly watched her niece and  her sister-in-law whispering something between themselves and though inaudible she knew they were up to something for her watchful eyes didn't fail to see their closeness from past days

Manorama bond was awaken and she was determined to find out what was happening behind her back seeing the two whisper.

She didn't fail to see the absence of Raizada eldest daughter-in-law who hasn't shown up downstairs even though she was around. But she was relieved for Khushi's absence since she wasn't prepared to be her next prey for she never spared even her Sasuma.

Khushi's absence on the dinning table  frustrated some who were waiting for a chance to degrade and make her insecure with their words. So they ended up sulking as they watch HP head upstairs with her meal their brain formulating something sinister to repay the humiliation they endured from her hands.

In the evening with exception of Arshi and Nk everyone sat in the living room taking their evening tea as they chat with each other a routine Raizada's adopted. Mami who was sipping her tea became more suspicious seeing Anjali and Sheetal eye communication who were continously staring upstairs .

She has caught this two whispering at each other from past days and now she knew they were up to something but what.....

"Hello bye bye!Anjali bitiya, you've caught the eyes of Manorama bond.what are you and Sheetal bitiya discussing for longiwa?"

Mami question attracted others who stared at the two curiously ,they inwardly berated themselves from being caught for they didn't know their was someone who was staring at them.

They found the curious eyes of everyone on them. Words flew from Sheetal mouth seeing a fidgeting Anjali

"Nothing important Mami, we are just discussing about bhabhi's baby name"

Though others bought Sheetal response but not Mami who caught Anjali sighing in relief. Her scrutinizing eyes kept stealing glances at them and that's when she saw Sheetal hitting Anjali showing towards the stairs

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