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Unknown to what was going on behind them, the four sat comfortable enjoying the cool fresh air as they listened the talk between two friends who were talking about anything that comes in their mind when suddenly Nk turned serious staring at Khushi.

"Khushiji what did Anjali do to your bhabhi that made you so angry?"

Nk questioned staring at her expectedly. Khushi sigh staring at Akshat who nodded at her

"Anjali joined Delhi college where Bhai and Bhabhi used to study at that time. On her first day she was ragged ,but bhabhi who had just arrived rescued her and that was the start of their friendship

She introduced Anjali to Bhai as her friend and like the three were mostly together. Unknown to bhabhi ,Anjali had a crush on Bhai immediately her eyes settle on him but Bhai saw her just as Gunjan friend. Infact he never interacted with her when Gunjan wasn't aroun

Anjali saw Bhai who never noticed her presence but was close and free to bhabhi . She felt more insecure when she learnt of Bhai and Bhabhi live together for bhabhi was adopted with Ma when she was young so then being together assured Ma of her security

So she decided to became his friend first since seeing his care for Gunjan she started harbouring feelings for him not just crushing

Though in fear of destroying their growing friendship she never showered or express how she feels about him and in that way a year passed. They broke for a break and it was during that time Ma took promise from Bhai and Bhabhi to marry immediately they settle in life and never let anything came between them

Though they felt weird seeing her ask for such promise but they agreed since they never regard each other as siblings. During that period they found Ma quiet weird she overworked,lost weight and mostly lost in thought.

They questioned her but she brush it off assuring she was okay. Seeing her overworking Bhai and Bhabhi helped her during the holiday and like this holiday was over and they returned back to Delhi.

Unknown to us ,Ma was battling with pancreatic cancer from long which she recognize late. So knowing she won't service she devoted herself thinking about our future and worried for us especially me who was 6 which didn't help in her health

Bhai and Gunjan started going out both being unknown to Anjali feelings. One day on their way from school Bhabhi shared with with Anjali of she and Bhai being together

That day not only Anjali heart was shattered but also Gunjan. Anjali couldn't digest the news and run from their shocking Gunjan especially when she saw tears in her eyes.

Though she was unknown to the reason behind her reaction She followed Anjali in fear of her getting hurt since the road she took wasn't safe with the motorcycles which pass in a high speed

Anjali who was running almost got crushed by a motorcyclist if not for Gunjan who arrived pushing her on time. That's when Anjali gained her senses and found Gunjan who was checking her and berating her for not being watchful

Recalling what she revealed ,she pushed Gunjan away from her and being unprepared Gunjan stumble falling on a sharp object which pierced directly on her stomach since she has wear Sari on that day

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