Chapter 4: Goomba vs Koopa

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Wiz: The Mushroom Kingdom is a world that houses many strange and interesting creatures, like the Goomba, a walking brown mushroom with fangs.

"Sounds like these two over there." Anis said as she pointed toward Crown and Chime.

"Can't lie, that do kind of sound like us..." Crown muttered.

"Why it's called 'Mushroom Kingdom' ?" Neon asked.

"Just continue." Agent replied.

Boomstick: And the Koopa, that stupid turtle who always gets himself killed.

"That just dark." Red Hood said deadpanned.

"How in the world that a turtle always get himself killed?" Anis asked.

"It's... hard to say." Agent answered.

Wiz: Every video game has its share of basic endless common enemies, and you can't get any more common than these two.

Boomstick: But which is the best of the worst? He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.

"This is gonna be the lamest episode we've ever seen." Anis said boredly.


Wiz: The Goombas used to be steadfast allies of the Mushroom Kingdom. After years of oppression due to their low intelligence and short stature, they betrayed their own Mushroom brethen and became the backbone of Bowser's vast army.

The Nikkes just deadpanned, there's literally nothing much for them to comment here.

Boomstick: The Goomba's main combat strategy is just to walk directly into its opponents. While this isn't the smartest thing to do, it takes some real "spores" if you know what I'm saying. Plus, they also have these vampire fangs, but they don't ever seem to use them, and... thinking about it, why does a mushroom even have a mouth?

"Yeah, why does a mushroom has a mouth?" Anis wondered. As well as few other Nikkes.

Agent just shrugs.

Wiz: When available, the Goomba will use the green Goomba's Shoes to get the jump on it's foes, easily able to hop over 12 feet in the air. Goombas can also sprout wings, becoming paragoombas, capable of barely sustained flight.

Some Nikkes facepalmed. This is like giving powers to the most inexperienced Nikke ever.

Boomstick: And when flying, the mushroom thing can bomb victims below with Micro-Goombas. You know you're a badass when you throw babies as weapons!

"I- What?!" Anis asked in shocked, cause like, who the fuck use babies as weapons ?

Some Nikkes probably on the verge of fainting.

Wiz: The traditional Goomba may seem a useless pawn, but these troopers have been known to accomplish impossible.

"So these morons actually DID something..." Eunhwa said deadpanning.

Boomstick: Wait a minute, is that Goomba playing baseball? With no hands? Oh my God, it has telepathy powers!

Wiz: Telekinesis? No, it doesn't.

Boomstick/Anis: Well then, how's it holding it?!

Wiz: Goombas are unwaveringly brave, never backing down from a fight and always ferociously charging into battle without hesitation. Though, sometimes their stubborn courage can backfire.

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