Chapter 2: Akuma vs Shang Tsung

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Agent:"Alright, let's go."

Wiz: Street Fighter. Mortal Kombat. Kings of the fighting genre. And every good fighter needs awesome villians.

Red Hood:"I wonder who they are."

Boomstick: Like Akuma, the ultimate badass of martial arts.

Wiz: And Shang Tsung, the sorcerous vanguard of doom.

Anis:"Akuma and Shang Tsung ?"


Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find who would win... a Death Battle.


Wiz: Akuma, master of The Fist. Known as Gouki in Japan, he is a living weapon, ten times stronger than nearly every other Street Fighter.

Boomstick: Plus, he looks friggin' awesome, I totally want me some red, glowing eyes.

Anis:"Well, apparently, us can have red glowing eyes, but only if we are corrupted."

Red Hood:"Yeah, it's not that fun."

Wiz: Akuma has dozens of powerful special attacks, including the Gou Hadoken, a powerful blast with precision control. He can even use the almighty Shinku-Hadoken, which is, basically, a giant fireball of death.

Anis:"So he can control fire ?"

Agent:"There's more to him than that."

Milk when she heard the 'Hadoken' part, immediately wants to learn it, but Agent told her that she can't. So she kinda put this down.

Boomstick: Man, if I ever fire a Hadoken in real life, I'mma die happy.

Red Hood:" I mean, I would love to do it."

Milk:"I wished I could, too..."

Wiz: Akuma also uses the Shoryuken uppercut, a teleport ability, a swift multi-striking hurricane kick, and the Hyakkishu, A.K.A the Demon Flip.

Anis:"Wait, he can teleport !?"


Red Hood:"I wonder what's that Demon Flip thing."

Agent:"Well, uh yeah."

Boomstick: Also, Akuma's got tons of different Super Arts, but two really stand out. First there's the Kongo...Kokuretsu Za... how do you say that?

Wiz: No idea.

Red Hood:"Soooooooo how to say it ?"

Agent:"I uh, I don't know."

Boomstick: Well, I'm pretty sure that's Japanese for "Fuck You Up!" 'Cause basically, Akuma punches the ground and things explode.

Anis:"Wait what ?!"

Agent:"Yeah well, he can do that."

Announcer: K.O.

Boomstick: He shattered a whole friggin' island just by punching it. Holy shit!

Anis:"He shattered a whole island ?!"

Agent:"Yeah he has a lot of powers."

Wiz: But that's not the deadliest move up his nonexistent sleeve.

Akuma uses his deadliest move against Dan Hibiki and his health depletes afterwards.

Wiz: The Shun Goku Satsu, also known as the Raging Demon, literally means "Instant Hell Murder."

Nikkes react to Death BattlesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon