Chapter Twelve

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Your POV

I jolt awake as I feel a movement in the bed.

I look over, startled. But I am filled with relief when I see Kylo sitting down on the other side of the bed. His back is facing me, so he hasn't noticed I'm awake yet.

My eyes find a clock that's next to the bed. It's the middle of the night. He got home really late.

He has already taken off his robes, and is sitting on the bed in sweatpants and a t-shirt.

He reaches his hands up behind his head and takes his shirt off in one swift movement. My eyes fall on his muscled back. I gulp. How can someones back look so good? It has me clenching my legs together.

He turns and lays down, on his back. He moves his lower body underneath the covers.

His eyes meet mine in the darkness.

I blush, having gotten caught staring at him. "Hi." I whisper out.

He turns onto his side, now facing me.

He moves closer and grabs me, moving me closer to him. I lift my upper leg and wrap it around his waist. I relax my head so that it's nested against his chest.

"Hey, baby. I didn't mean to wake you." He apologizes.

I mumble into his chest, "It's okay. I missed you."

His grip on me tightens by a fraction. "I missed you, too. How was your evening with Ap'lek and Ushar? Were they nice to you?"

I think for a moment before responding. "They were super nice. Ap'lek and I had a food fight in the kitchen, before Ushar stopped us."

His chest vibrates in quiet laughter. "Really? I bet that was fun. Ap'lek is like that."

I blush as I think about the dirty thoughts that I had about Ap'lek. I push my face further into Kylo's chest. "I-I really like him."

His hand finds the side of my thigh, the one that's hooked over his waist. He gently rubs his hand up and down my warm skin. "Yeah? I'm glad." He pauses for a moment. "I know he likes you, too. Ushar does as well."

I nod in response. Ushar was nice. He was quiet. But there was something almost comforting about his presence. It wasn't threatening like I thought it would be.

Kylo places a light kiss on the top of my head. "Go back to sleep, Darling. I'll be here when you wake up."

By the time he finishes his sentence, I can already feel myself slipping into a dreamless sleep.


I sigh in content as I wake up to the feeling of someone gently playing with my hair. I slowly open my eyes and am greeted with Kylo's familiar room.

I'm currently laying on top of him. Literally on top of him. My back is against his chest, and my head is resting comfortably on his shoulder. Under the covers, his legs are spread, my lower body lays between them.

One of his hands is tangled in my hair, and the other is wrapped around my body, his hand against my stomach. A soft smile appears on my face. I could get used to waking up like this. "Mm, good morning." I say out quietly.

I take my hand and rest it over Kylo's own, the one that is resting against my stomach. I keep my hand there and trace little shapes on the back of his hand with my fingers.

"Good morning, Darling."

His voice is husky and deep. Just the sound of it causes tingles in my belly, which makes me blush and clench my legs together.

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