Chapter Two

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Your POV

I slowly open my eyes and try to adjust to the darkness surrounding me.

I quickly realize I'm on a bed.

An actual bed.

It's relatively small, and when my eyes finally adjust to the darkness, I realize I'm in a small room. I'm in the corner of the room the bed that I'm currently laying on. There's a dresser next to the bed, and a wardrobe across the room. There's also a door on the opposite side of the room.

Where am I?

I slowly sit up, and flutter my hands down to grasp the sheets below me.

I clutch them in my hands before letting them go and stroking them. They're unnecessarily soft. It feels like liquid beneath my finger tips. I've never had the privilege of being wrapped up in something this nice before. The comforter on the bed is a light grey, and there's two pillows on the bed. Which might not seem like a lot, but compared to what I'm used to; it's a mountain.

I let out a low breath.

I'm assuming that the thing took me here, but I don't know where "here" is.

I glance in all corners of the room to make sure that thing is not in the same room with me- and not lurking in the corner or in the shadows. Luckily, I don't see it anywhere.

Why would it put me in a bed? Master always puts me in a cell, or makes me sleep on the floor. And why did that thing say it was going to take me? If that thing is going to be like Malcolm, then wouldn't I be put on something less nice and comfortable?

I furrow my eyebrows as I try to deicide what to do next. I should probably stay here and wait for someone to come in— it's not like I'm tied up, so maybe that's a sign I should go through the door and try to find someone?

I don't want to leave the room then get in trouble. What if someone thinks I'm trying to escape? I'd definitely get severely punished for that.

But then again. . . I'm here, and I'm assuming I'm here because Malcolm was busy and I was sent somewhere else. Therefore I'm already going to get punished. So, it's not that big of a risk.

I slowly lift myself out of the blankets and I put my bare feet on the cold tile.

I hadn't realize how warm I was before now. Compared to my temperature before I passed out, I'm basically a sauna. And now, I want nothing more to get back under the warm covers and go back to sleep.

I look down at myself. Someone changed my clothes. Before, I was wearing my rags. Now, I'm in a very oversized black T-Shirt. It reaches down to a little bit above my knees.

I gulp before quickly standing up, and almost fall right back down as my legs shake and buckle beneath me. I hadn't realized how weak I felt until now. Once I compose myself, I start to slowly walk the short distance to the door on the other side of the room.

After just a few steps on my unsteady legs, I stumble and almost fall over, before settling myself on the wall next to me.

Woah. I'm really dizzy. Usually, I'm dizzy when I stand up because of the lack of food, but this is much worse than usual.

I shudder again as I try to pull myself together.

Once most of the dizziness has passed, I push off the wall and slowly walk the rest of the way to the door. I rest my hand on the doorknob, contemplating on whether or not I think it's locked or not.

I take my chances. I twist the knob and push the door. It opens. I slowly walk out. The door leads to a narrow hallway. The hallway isn't that long, and it looks like it opens up to a bigger room in about twenty feet. Along the hallway, there is one door off the right. And right across from it, there is another door.

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