Chapter 16

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There she was. Again over and over, sitting at his desk doing work, lying byside him talk about his book, runnin g away from him in tear.

"Fucking hell" Mason jumped waking from a deep sleep by he alarm. The first thing going to his mind was Jordan, the same way it had been since she left.

His dreams used to be filled to the brim pirates, treasure, gold and movie quotes. But now it was her, over and over, it was her. He couldn't control it, but god he wished he could post it.

With the way his mind was he couldn't do anything, couldn't write, could work, could even pull himself out of bed some days.

'Why was a such an asshole?'

The guilt was to much for him. Her cared for Jordan, that should have been all that mattered not if she went delusional or not. Nun of it should of mattered. Now she was gone. ANd had been gone for months, no words, came from her on his phone, he check it every hour, hoping sdhe would say something, anything! Even if it was that he was an asswhole, at least he would than know she was safe.

Anytime he check for her name come up, not seeing it, the woprst would always come to mind. She's lost, she's hurt, she's gone for good. He would find her somewhere not being able to save her.

"That's it! I'm finding her." - 'I don't care if you hate me, I don't hate you.'

He raced around his room getting ready to leave and search the city. Until he stopped. 'What if she doesn't want to be found? What if I do find her dead, do I want to see her in that state?' - "Oh shut up" - 'what do we even say to her? She hates us." - "SHUT UP"

He couldn't shut the thoughts, he could talk to anyone, he didn't want to be judged. But how would he even find her. He did something he never though he would do...


She was a person he judged to some degree, so if dshe though less of him, it wouldn't but that bad. Right?

"Mason? Why are you calling me?"

"Hi to you too."

"Don't be ru-"

"Mum! Mum, that doesn't matter right now. What matters is that aI messed up and your the only women I know whop has delt with sometone like me."

"What did you do?"

Mason continue to spill out everything, what was said what was done.

"Well if I was her... there would be to things I would think of doing. On the positive side, go somewhere I love to escape. Or... Do somewhere I can leave - where no one would ever find me."

They finished up and as much as it gave Mason I pl;ace to go, to start. It in on why made his mind stop going crazy. 'A place she loves... the beach... A place she could go for ever... the ocean. She'll killed hersel;f tring to get away."

Racing to his yacht as quickly as he ever could. He hit his head, he passed out.

'Mason, Go to island, go to island... find her'

Waking from the massage he sailed as quickly as he could to the nearest island. 'I swear to god if I am waist time go here, I am going to kill myself.'

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