Chapter 15

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She didn't. She couldn't how could he say that, think that? She ran and ran, she had to get away. She found the nearest bus stop and didn't even think where it would go, she didn't even care, not anymore.

"The Ocean?... Of course, I would be taken to that ocean. Are you serious?"

Then the voice returned, "Theadora.... Thedora....."

"Wh-who are you?"


"Do I say yes? - "Yes?"

"Follow my voice Theadore, follow it and find me."

The water she couldn't go into the water, she'd die. "I-I'm sorry, I-I can't!"

"Yes you can, you're a mermaid aren't you?"

"I don't know."

"Just come in, the water is safe"

She did as she was told, and her feet finally met the water. Her face scrunched waiting for pain to consume her. But nothing. No pain, no fire, no, nothing.

She went further in, but still nothing.

"Now go down, under the surface and follow the song, the song will lead you home."

She did as she was told, if it was a home she was being offered, she'd take it, even if it was miles underwater, any place better than here.


"There is someone who has been waiting for you for a long long time. Come"

They swam into what seemed to be a throne room the walls glistened like diamonds as light bonced back from the water.

As Jorden continued they became closer and closer to.... "A queen?" Jordan whispered under her breath.

"Your Highness," The mermaid bowed, then placed her arm towards me. "Theodora"

The queen gracefully came from her place, her hair flowing around her as she did so. She swam so slowly, that she almost seemed eager.

She went to place her hand on jordens cheek, but hesitated. "Therdora. Your home"

"Home?" Jordan had so many feeling insided of her she didn't know which one to go through with. "Who - How is this my home?"

"Come with me darling" She swam toward a corridor. Looking back she smiled. "Don't worry I'll keep a steady pass." She looked over at ... knowing she could be quite a show off in terms of spead.

Jordan went along with the Queen. They swan through an open corridor and as they went on soon images came from the walls. "Who are these people?"

"The kings and queens before I. You see our people, Mermins have been here for eons, protecting the seas and the people who come near."

She continued to example how they had stayed hidden for all these years and simply put no one not even a submarine can reach the depths.

The queen was examplianing the photo of her coronation that happened 40 years ago, but Jorden had to ask. She to know - "Why did you say this is my home?"

The queen paused looking at the girls pleadinbg face. She signed - "It's a very long story, Theodora.-"

"That's another thing. Why are people calling me that, my names Jordan."

"In the human world," she swam to closer to the portrait and opened it to reveal secret shelfing.

"Human world?"

"Yes. You see as I mentioned our history is very extensive but the royal blood line didn't finish with me. It doesn't finish with my lost child, but at this point with you."

Jordans eyes sprung wide open. "I-I'm sorry, WHAT?"

"You are apart of this blood line, the royal blood line ends with you at this piont. Your are my granddaughter afterall."

'Don't scream, don't steam'

"You father... He was my son. Before he abandomened this world." She paused almost as if she was replay memories.

"I-I'm sorry. You mean to tell me that your my grandmother, but not only that my father was a merman?!"

"Not quite." Horden looked her even more confused. "I'm a mermaid, and I am your Grandmother. But... Your father wasn't. You see I feel inlove with a human and I decided to change myself for him. A became human to be with him. I finally told him the truth a moth in, I show him my world and he seemed to love it, he embraced it the same why I embraced his. Then... I fell pragnate." Her face became saddened. "And he revealed how he truely felt. He hated me for what had happened. I was confused and hurt, now knowing he only stayed after I told the truth to bring my world to the rest - which is dangerous - After a gave birth he took my son form me. I tried to pull him back to my world, his rightful world. But it was to late, His father filled him was the deepest hatred for his kind. He poised his mind."

"So thats why I don't know anything?"

"Yes -"

"That doesn't explain why my parents left my to my awful uncle and aunt though.."

"You might want to sit," She lead my to a small seat in the room. "Your parents never felt you.." Jordan could believe what she was hearing stiffening up preparing for the worst. "Your uncle and aunt are your parents."

She couldn't speak.

"When you were born, I wanted to know you, I wanted to heal what had been done... You were drawn to thew water because of it. Your parent drilled down to fear any and all things about the ocean, knew they had to go into hiding so they came up with the most ilbrate lie. They decided that if they acted as if they died and gave you to your aunt and uncle they could create new didenties, stirring you in the same way they were..."

Jordan could comprend anything, this was all to much. Tear started to appear.

After hours of going back and forth, trying to understand the truth. It was revealed that, her father ppocessed the gift of magic from with his mothers heritage. This allowed him to permanity distory the mermaid side of him, making him permanitily human. With his magic he also curse Jordan inorder to keep her from the water, because no matter were they moved, she found her way to the water. He was the cause for her pain, the fire, the fear. He was pure evil in Jordan mind.

Months had pasted nd Jordan truly felt great. She had her family, she had her home. Everyone in the place was gracious with her, teaching her all she needed to know about being not only a mermaid, but a princess of mermaid. Thankfully she loved helping people and was natural with children. However, eticate, speaking to hundreds of people did not come natural to here. Luckly reading did, so she stuck her head in thousands of booked learning all there was to know, history, rules, and how she could be the best princess they ever had.



"Um, what was that?" Jordan was in her room that was cover with beautiful seashells and pearls with her cousin Norrecen, he had been teaching her how to take a tiara on and off correctly - because apparently rules about that.

"The Sirtins." The merman looked painked. He had to protect the princess at all costs. 'Come, now!" He took Jordans hand rushing to the throne room making sure people were ready to attack. 

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