Chapter 27-28

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After sending the message, Jungkook  glanced sideways at Tang Lisa. She was truly a beauty, and a spirited one at that. It was no surprise that she would have some admirers in university, but if anyone dared to try and take his woman from him, they were as good as courting trouble.

Tang Lisa had been studying the documents intently. Out of the blue, she exclaimed, "It turns out that a man's privates are full of nerves, making it incredibly easy to get an erection. How fascinating..."

Jungkook was speechless.

Tang Lisa was examining the information purely through the lens of a medical student, with nothing indecent in mind, which is why didn't give her words a second thought. But then she noticed the way her husband was staring at her, and was faced with the sudden urge to bite her tongue off. Her husband couldn't engage in intercourse, so this must be a sensitive topic for him. She must have wounded his pride with what she had said.

She laughed awkwardly, trying to break the tension. "Are you thirsty, dear?" she asked, her tone more sugar-sweet than usual. "Shall I get some water for you?"

Jungkook did indeed find himself nursing a thirst.

The girl was right. There were many things that could provoke a physical response from a man. For example, a mere sentence from his wife could send fire surging through his loins.

"Come here, Lili."

He fixed his gaze on her, and Tang Lisa was paralyzed by embarrassment. "Is something the matter?" he asked.

She still wouldn't come. On the contrary, she looked as though she'd rather flee. Something stirred in the dark depths of his eyes. "I'm thirsty," he said. "I'd like some water."

Tang Lisa nodded, shot to her feet, and dashed out of the room. She re-entered with a cup of water in hand. While she was passing it to Jungkook, it fell and shattered on the carpet, splashing him with water. Tang Lisa let out a cry of alarm and hurried to help dry his sleeves. In her haste, she didn't realize that her husband had deliberately let the cup slip from his grasp. She had poured hot water for him; while it was nowhere near boiling, the temperature was still enough to mildly scald him.

"Did I injure you? I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..."

He had been the one to let go of the cup to begin with. Jungkook let himself fall back into the guise of a weak, frail cripple. "It's all my fault. Isn't it? I didn't have enough strength, and..."

"I should have put the cup on the table earlier, since I knew you were..." She cut herself off. "It's my fault."

Guilt flooded Tang Lisa. The hot water had spilled directly onto his legs, but he hadn't even flinched. He had truly lost all sensation in his legs, including the ability to feel pain.

Jungkook noticed her eyes growing red. "Why are you crying, Lisa?" he asked, with a sudden tinge of guilt.

"You really couldn't feel anything in your legs, dear? Even though the water was so hot?"

"I did, actually, but just a little." Jungkook  hated seeing her cry. He wrapped his arms around her, enveloping his little wife in his embrace. she was careful by nature, and the water had been warm at most, nowhere near as hot as she had claimed.


"Really," he assured her. "I'm fine. Help me back to the bedroom so I can change my clothes."

"Change clothes? Oh. Yes. Of course."

Tang Lisa dried her eyes and pushed his wheelchair back to their bedroom. She searched for a fresh pair of clothes for him. When she turned around, she startled to see that he had already unbuttoned his shirt, lending her a clear view of his bare chest. She stared, stunned, for two whole seconds, before whirling back round.

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