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Shinji and Akane opened the front door, a few nerv agents stood.

"Excuse for the intrusion but something has come up" the agent said

Shinji sighed and nodded.

Akane looked up at shinji and nodded as well.

"We knew this day was coming" Shinji replied

Berlin, Germany

Auska opened the front door and was met with agents.

"Excuse for the intrusion, but something has come up" the agent said

Auska nodded.

"Its about time" Auska said smiling

The next day.....

Akane and Shinji were escorted to a large meeting room, they opened the door and saw Auska standing looking at blue prints of the next generation eva on the wall, she turned and saw them.

"Your both late as usual" Auska said amd angry scowl on her face

But as they walked it she smiled and gave them a hug.

"Its good to see you to auska" Shinji said  smiling

They let go.

"Good to see you both after so long" Auska said

"Likewise" Akane said

Auska looked at their hands and she decided to tease them.

"After all this time your still not married" Auska said smiling

Shinji and Akane blushed.

"No, we're still thinking about it" Shinji said blushing

"Some day sure but when we are ready" Akane said looking away.

Auska couldn't help but giggle. Just them the doors opened and misato walked in, she smiled and hug them as well.

"Good to see you all, I'd hope our reunion would be under better circumstances" She said her smile dropping

"Why? What's going on?" Shinji asked

Misato walked to a projector and turned the lights off, they all sat staring at the images.

"We received a distress signal from Luna Base, sent by seele" She said

It got all their attention and they sat up. Misato displayed a image of Luna base.

"Thermal images show that a Eva is there, incomplete but fully functional, we are going to go up to Luna and investage the signal and retrieve the eva" Misato said

They others looked at each other.

"This could very well be a trap" Auska said

"Its definitely a trap" Akane added

"Thats why we need you three back piloting the next generation of Evas" Misato replied

"Next generation?" Shinji asked

Misato turned the lights back on and the walls began to open up, sliding upwards revealing the meeting room was above a hanger.

2 Eva's stood and a mechagodzilla, they all stood up and saw the new Eva's.

"Shinji you will be piloting Eva Unit 1.11, almost a direct copy of the orginal unit 1, well without the you know, unit 1.11 is faster, stronger and kept familiar, budget cuts and little to work with I'm sorry we couldn't give you any better upgrades like the others" Misato said

Shinji just stared at Unit 1.11 standing in the hanger, it really did look similar to the original unit 1, just had slicker armor.

"Auska, you will piloting unit 2.22" she said

Auska got up and looked at unit 2.22, it had the same color scheme only this time the head looked more similar to unit 1.11, having 2 eyes but a duel antenna that made it look like it had a V on its forehead, it had extra layer of armor.

"Unit 2.22 is more of a heavy fighter, internal weapons, heavy armor, still as fast as fast as the orginal unit 2" Misato said

Auska watched and smiled.

"Misato I could almost kiss you, she's beautiful" Auska said admiring her new eva.

Akane saw the new mechagodzilla, it was alot less sleak them the previous one, having blocking dorsal plates, glowing red eyes and long tail with a vibro blade at the end.

"We didn't have much to go off of, G force was wiped out during the final battle, we had to come up with our own desgin" Misato said

"Its okay, I love it" Akane replied

"So how exaclty are we getting to luna?" Auska asked

"We have a shuttle with staff and soliders, as for you all you will get your own shuttle and bosters to use to break through the planets atmosphere and follow us to luna" Misato said

"Count me in" Auska said

"Me too" Akane said

They all looked at shinji who was just staring at unit 1.11. Akane held his hand and he snapped out of it and smiled.

"Im in" shinji replied

"Great we take off tomorrow at 5am" misato said

Meanwhile in Luna....

A kid with grey hair and middle school uniform walked through the halls of Luna base, dead were floating around the look of despair and struggle were on their faces.

He held onto a green crystal, inside strange symbols were glowing.

"The time of ending is almost upon us, these pathetic humans had no idea of the kind of power they were dealing with" He said walking outside Luna base.

He put on his flight suit and stood ontop of eva unit 6, he held uo the large green crystal.

"The time has come, soon they will know the name, Void Ghidorah....the planet eater" Kaworu said

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: Jun 27 ⏰

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