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As Taehyung strolled down the streets of Seoul, his mind was preoccupied with thoughts of the upcoming business event.he just finished his study after. some months he is going to join as a CEO in his father company. Lost in his own world, he barely noticed the rush of people around him until he collided with someone, nearly stumbling in the process.

"Sorry!" Taehyung exclaimed, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment as he quickly regained his balance. Glancing up, he found himself locking eyes with a man  whose gaze held a hint of familiarity.

"It's okay" the man replied with his cold voice.

Taehyung was unable to walk.he froze in his place seeing the CEO  jungkook whom he always admired from far for so long time . who had captured his attention, Taehyung decided to follow him discreetly, careful not to attract too much attention. He trailed behind Jungkook as he made his way through the bustling streets, his pulse quickening with each step. As he was following him he saw him entering in the cafe. His expression was unreadable. Jungkook looks outside the window seeing that Taehyung hides behind the pillar when he look back in the cafe jungkook was already disappeared. He was more then happy to see his long time crush from this near. With the thought of his crush he returned his home.

Author pov_
The spacious confines of Jungkook's office provided little solace as he grappled with the aftermath of the lost deal. His frustration simmered beneath the surface, a potent mix of disappointment and determination driving him forward.

Fuck what they think about themselves," Jungkook muttered under his breath, his voice tinged with irritation. He reclined on the plush sofa, his gaze fixed on the ceiling as he replayed the events of the failed negotiation in his mind.

"I will make them regret not accepting my deal," he vowed, his jaw set with determination.

Jk pov

As I was walking down the street to refresh my mind I bumped into someone."fuck" I cursed under my breath. He slowly stood up feeling embarrassment. He mumbled "sorry" I was not in the mood to talk so I just went from there saying it's Okay.

To refresh my mind I went to the cafe to drink coffee. At that time I felt someone's presence but I chose to ignore it as I was in the café I got a call from my pa eun woo "Sir, they have arrived at the office," Eun Woo announced, his voice hesitant.

Jungkook's expression hardened at the mention of the visitors. "What do they want now?" he demanded, his frustration evident in his tone.

"They're saying they want to discuss something," Eun Woo replied, his voice barely above a whisper.

Jungkook's jaw clenched at the news, his mind already racing ahead to the upcoming meeting. With a curt nod, he rose from his seat, his resolve firm as he prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

"Fine, I'm coming," he responded tersely, his thoughts consumed by the need to salvage the situation and emerge victorious.

This is my very very first ff❣️💜

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