Daniel and I will have a conversation but obviously about the little things including his mom,he loves talking about his mama as his face lits along with him getting excited

I parked infront of the ice cream shop,I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt before stepping out.i unbuckled daniel and carried him in one of my arms before making our way into the shop

He hugged around my neck as he stared behind me just to observe "what ice cream you want niño?" I asked him

"Uhh chocolate" he mumbled,I chuckled with a nod.I pat his back just to comfort him.I went up to the counter and told them what daniel and I would like

"Aww he's so cute" the girl behind the counter said after taking our orders,I gave her a pleasant smile "I'm guessing he's yours"

I nervously laughed "yeah he's mine" she smirked before going to make our orders,daniel lift his head to now look infront of us as he kept one hand on the back of my neck

My heart melted when he laid his cheek on mine,i felt the attachment he was getting for me.I absolutely had so much love for daniel

"Single pops?" The girl asked with a smirk as she slid the ice cream cups across the counter over to us "no I'm not,I'm with his mom" I said

Her smirk slowly dropped as I smiled handing her the money before picking up the cups and walking out,Later I drove us to the park

He sat on the end of the slide,eating the scoops of the ice cream.I watched him while I was sat on the bench across from him

I eat some of mine as well,the park wasn't filled with kids but there were a few on the swings and at least a pair around the playground

"Miguel" Daniel called,I quickly land my eyes on him as he picked himself up and walked over to me "finish" he says giving me his cup that was half empty

"You're full?" I asked,he nodded.i chuckled while grabbing a napkin to wipe the little bit of ice cream surrounding his tiny mouth

I took his cup "wanna go play?" His eyes widen "yes!" He squealed,I grinned before motioning him to go on and play

Without thinking,he ran to the stairs of the playground "stay where I can see you!" I shouted

"K!" He yelled back before I began eating the rest of his chocolate


I bit the inside of my bottom lip as I watched the nail tech do my toes,I glance at Lexi who was on her phone.She seemed more healthy,she dressed how she usually does and the beautiful makeup she does

Thankfully we did our nails before our toes,I keep admiring them and how they're simple but super cute "has miguel texted you?" Lexi asked

"Earlier about going to the park but I wanna call cause I don't like being away from Daniel that long" I told her,she giggled

"I love when you act all motherly,it's adorable" she teased

"Shut up" i snickered as I pulled out my phone and clicked Miguel's name to call,I waited to hear his smooth voice

"Hey baby" he greeted after the line picked up

"Hey love,I wanted to call to see how's it going?" He chuckled

"Everything is good,danny is playing right now and don't worry my eyes been on him this whole time" he says,I exhaled heavily out of relief

"Thank you so much mikey,I know how much you love him" Lexi scoffed

"Not much like his godmother" Lexi commented,I cackled while playfully rolling my eyes

"How's those pretty nails looking like?" He spoke,I blushed out of nowhere loving the way he cares about the little things

"They're cute" I say as I lift my hand to look at them "mm like you?" He says in a low voice

"Stop" I nervously said

"Sorry,I get corny when I really..like a girl" he says as he hesitated to say the last words but I shrugged it off

"That's okay.I like it,make sure Daniel doesn't run too fast cause he tends to lose control and falls" I told him to change the topic

"Of course,I got you" he says "um I was wondering if you and Daniel would like to come by my house?"

"Oh sure" I say with a smile,I heard him sigh

"Okay great,can't wait to have you both there" i chuckled "oh and um my mom is gonna be there so you're gonna meet her"

"Wait huh?"


Hope you guys liked!

God loves you🙏🏼

Love you mwah

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