A Island Unlike Any Other

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Raven's pov

The rattle of automatic rifle fire is something I never thought I would get used to. The power of the weapon in my hands scares me sometimes. It's inhumane if you ask me. No one bothered to ask me though. The commander of the Imperial Guard shoved an assault rifle in my hands only a week after the Guard found me, half clothed and coughing up sea water.

My training was brutal, swift, and in no time at all I was on the front lines. The cries of war are something that I have become accustomed to by now.

"Alpha Team move! Now!"

Commander Sy roars over the sound of gunfire, flying high above us on an argentavis.

I sprint for the next bit of cover, firing at anyone who sees me. I glance back briefly, spotting the rest of my team who are stuck. Our demo expert catches my eye and I know that the he and the rest of the team won't be able to make it to the target. It's all on me now.

Nodding at White, our demo man, he gives me a look that says don't fuck this up and throws me the c4 charges and detonator. I catch both and focus on getting to the gate.

The rattle of gunfire from my left has me turning and I mow down the enemy, trying not to think about it too hard. I make a break for it and throw myself into the cover of the gate's massive pillar. Bullets ping off the metal surface and I return fire, eliminating the problem before turning my attention to blowing the gate.

"They're blowing the ga—ahh!"

A line of bullets ring against the gate dangerously close to my head and I cast the barest glance back to see Kat, our team leader strangling the ever loving crap out of the person who almost shot my head off.

"Today Raven!" Kat yells at me before slicing the mans head clean off.

I work the charges, using three of them, before making a dash for the nearest bit of cover.

"FIRE IN THE HOLE!" I yell as I hit the button on the detonator and throw my hands over my head, tucking myself into the safety of the corner as best I can.

The gate explodes outward sooner than expected with metal projectiles maiming and fatally injuring anyone foolish enough to get in the way. The cries of the injured are drowned out by the Imperial Guard's roar of victory. I join them, moving to stand only to stagger against the stone wall nearest me with a hiss of pain.

Got hit...

The thought is fuzzy but I'm still standing. I'm not out yet. Over the din of noise I hear the commander give the order for Beta Team to move in. The hardest part is yet to come, I reflect as the snarls of beasts are heard from within the compound.

My part is done however. Alpha Team has breached the enemy defenses. Now the real battle can start. My lightheadedness becomes apparent when I try to stand without the support of the rubble and I stumble a step before White comes up to me, wrapping his arm around my middle to help support me as we walk away.

Kat hurries to my other side and the two of them begin marching me away from the fighting in the compound.

"Where?" Kat asks as we walk.

"Right leg." I reply.

Nodding Kat breaks away from the two of us, ordering White to take me to a medic before hurrying away to get the commander and update him on the situation.

"You did well newbie." White says, pride in his tone.

I thank him, my pace slowing as the adrenaline fades and I can't walk anymore. I dimly hear White's voice saying my name a few times before he picks me up and starts running towards our Forward Operating Base.

Ark: Ascending Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt