𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓞𝓷𝓮: 𝓑𝓮𝓪𝓬𝓱 𝓑𝓸𝓵𝓽

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I'm always wondering why. Why is the sky blue? Why is the grass green? Why are people the most ignorant and rudest species on the planet? Elementary, junior high, middle. I've always been ignored except for a few people and barely noticed, barely been seen or heard. It's like I'm invisible. I look into my mirror and say “This year Daisy Linfure will not be invisible.” “ Well, that ended soon,” I said to myself as a group of six walked past me in the hall.  It only took me 2 seconds to realize it was like the big six. The people who get suspended daily gain social status by having extremely tall boyfriends and extremely short girlfriends. Which leads to lowering the popularity status of others, as well as potentially being bullies to outcasts of the school. All of the outcasts of the school were terrified of the Big 6. One of the girls in the big six named Lily noticed me. She was dating another boy in the big six named Derek. They were both sophomores. Derek and Lily were roughly the same height but Derek was 16 and Lily was 17.
         At least one of the people from the Big Six was in every single one of my classes, sitting in the seat next to mine. I said next to Patricia in English, Per Usual she didn't notice me. Neither did Lindsay and Simon, twins in my PE class, and neither Derek nor Mark, who had been in my science and history classes. Unfortunately Lily was in every one of those classes except for piano and math. Math was from 8:35 to 10:35 in the morning and piano was from 2:15 to 3:15 in the afternoon. That usually meant I had an awful day but good mornings and afternoons. In my math class, there was a group of three people. Trixie was the only girl in the group, Mason and Alex are Derek's little twin brothers. Trixie, Mason, and Alex were all in their freshman year. I noticed Trixie from afar, she was a very sweet girl and I'd never seen her rude to anyone before. Unfortunately, though, Trixie hung around Lily a lot. Mostly because Lily was mute and Trixie was the only one who understood sign language, which I could also understand. Thankfully, I managed to go through the whole day without causing any trouble. Every single year the first day that we went to school was August 1st and August 1st so happened to be my 15th birthday.
         The next day and passing, Mark pushed Mason down the stairs, fortunately, Trixie and Alex were there at the bottom of the stairs to catch him, though he did suffer a broken leg, sprained wrist, and a stress fracture in his knee. Patricia, Lindsey, Simon, and Lily were all filming but Derek was sick so he wasn't there. Only if he was, Mason wouldn't be in the state of an injury. What's worse today is that no one called my name in attendance. I was upset.
         When I got home that night I was very excited. My birthday dinner was today. My mom acts like I don't exist all the time, and instead of going to the diner with Dad and I, she just stays in her room. My dad put Happy Birthday streamers In the dining room, had a party hat on his head, and a birthday cake in his hand. This was going to be the best birthday I ever had.
            My dad and I always go to this one Diner named “Caffè e Latte”. It's Italian for coffee and milk and it's a breakfast diner. We always go to this particular Diner for two reasons
One: My dad's middle school friend Amando Lorenzo is the founder of
“Caffè e Latte”
Two: In any other Diner we go to my father gets service but I never do, I’m never answered
        Amando is my best friend as well as my dad's and one of the few people that respond to me when I talk. Amando is a tall and lean man with long, thick black hair and caramel skin. He has a goatee on his chin and a strong Italian accent. Amando also had 2 sons and 3 daughters. The Eldest were his daughters, Bellezza, Educata, and Passione who were 19 years old. They were all identical except for Educata because she had blonde hair while all of the others had brunette hair. The First Son is Leone and he’s 14. He had deep brown skin and baby blue eyes like his mother. His youngest son Morto. He was 9 years old with a dark complexion like his mother and brother and Blonde hair like Educata.
         After dinner, we got home with the leftover takeout from the “Caffè e Latte” restaurant, which is very surprising because we don't get many Italian breakfast diners in Florida, especially in Tallahassee. My dad put the leftovers on the marbled counter in the kitchen. That night we decided to play uno, blackjack, and poker then watched “The Princess Bride”. It was my favorite movie growing up. Then I went to bed. I didn't care that it was my birthday,  I had school in the morning.
         When it was time for homeroom, Miss Henley was my English teacher and for the second time in a row didn't call my name for attendance. I was pissed. To make this day even worse, there was a kid in piano today named Marley, who kept coming around and grabbing me behind the waist and it was freaking me out, and wouldn't stop staring at me. I tried to avoid him all day, but in the passing period, I had enough. On my way to history after piano, Marley followed me out of piano class after having to deal with him for an hour after dismissal. My house was across the street from my school so I usually walked home most days.
“Hey Linfure” Marley said after piano class the next day. The fake deep voice and the southern accent he had almost made him sound like he was a middle-aged man and a father of 3. “You wanna go out with me? I already know the answer because who could resist me-” Before Marley could even finish I said, “No, I'm busy this weekend. Even if I wasn't, I don't like you and I think you're lowering your voice when you talk to me is annoying I've seen you with 3 different girls in a week so, I know that you get a girlfriend, brag to your friends, and then move on the next girl so, No thank you but, thank you for that kind offer.” Marley had made a deep low voice when he was around me. Something I hated was his trying to impress me by lowering his voice, but I hated the deep voice because his southern accent was real and he didn't know how not to sound like he just came out of a wild western Saloon Fight. I knew that the accent was real because his 14-year-old sister also had a Southern accent in her voice as well.
 To be fair I am brutally honest but, to be fair he was in his junior year and had failed multiple times and he was an adult. More of a man-child in my opinion though.
By the time math came around, I had built enough confidence to talk to Trixie Truffle. I walked up to her and I was completely ignored. Honestly, I was a little disappointed with myself because she treated me the way my mother treated me, not because Trixie was a terrible person, but because she didn't notice me just like my mother. Trixie met up with Lily by her locker, and then the rest of the big six. Everyone in the entire school was either scared of the Big Six or praised them like some sort of God. Even some of the teachers were scared of them. However, not Trixie because she was part of the little three and technically just a translator for Lily. When Lily was 8 years old, she was riding her dirt bike with her older brother, who was 14 at the time and crossed private property. To look at her brother, who had been riding beside her, when she turned back around her throat directly hit a string of barbed wire. Thankfully she was not decapitated but, to try and fix her esophagus, Lily underwent multiple surgeries to use her throat again for eating and drinking, but the damage was too severe to get her vocal cords working. Lily can hear, but she will never be able to speak again.
          Since I wanted to be noticed this year, I decided that I was going to be popular.
 Step one: Befriend cheerleaders and jocks, which consisted of almost everyone in the big six. I don't want to be rude to them but they're really obnoxious and I don't want to befriend them. The first person I tried to talk to was the girl from the big six in my English class, Patricia Baker. I didn't get a response from her. The same thing happened with Derek, Alex, and Mason Martin, Mark  Xenon, Lindsey and Simon Carter, and even Trixie Truffle. Every single one of these people ignored me except for the worst one in the group, Lily McHenders. Every time I tried to talk to her she would just roll her eyes or flip me off. Ouch.
         That day the Big Six decided to go to the beach. I followed them. Growing up, I never went to the beach because I was terrified of the water. I wasn't terrified of the water itself, I was terrified of what was in the water. I had Thalassophobia and Megalophobia. Thalassophobia is afraid of deep water but I’m not scared of the water itself what’s in the water and giant objects just scare me in general.
        I ran up the ramp with everyone else and went straight to the sand. I didn't go into the water because I still had a slight tendency to become frightened when I entered Deep Bodies of water such as the beach. I didn't have to be home until 18:30 so I decided that I needed some entertainment. I saw Mark, Simon, and Lindsey heading straight for the water, fast. I moved out of the line of fire and they all ended up in the water with a splash. Lily, Patricia, and Trixie were carrying all the beach equipment and just laid in the Sun. After about 10 minutes Lily and Trixie both got up and walked around the shore of the beach. When Lily and Trixie were about 200 yards away from the setup, it started to rain hard. Lily and Trixie both came running back to the setup. Lindsey, Patricia, Trixie, and Lily all helped set up the tent. It was a pretty big tent, considering the fact that there were six people and each person got a big area of the  tent. About 15 minutes later the rain started to soften up. Derek stuck his hand outside of the tent to see if it was still raining. It was slightly drizzling. The boys and  Lindsey join Derek in going back into the water. Not that long afterward, it started to rain again. It was not as hard as it was before, but it was still raining. Lindsey, Mark, and Simon all left the water leaving Derek therein the Water by himself.
         While Derek was in the water, he was making fun of everyone else who was sitting in the tent for being “ chickens over a little rain”.  Derek continued to swim after the rain continued to get harder and harder. The rain was so hard to the point that the Lifeguard at the Beach was recommending Derek to get out of the water. Derek stayed in for another 10 minutes, swimming out further  and further, and then decided that he wanted to get out. When Derek was swimming back to shore, there started to be lightning and thunder. Derek was hurriedly swimming back to the shore. When you reached a sandbar he stood up and waved his hands around, like you would if you needed help on a deserted island. Derek went back into the water and was trying to swim back to the shore. Only 30 seconds after everyone was telling him to get out of the water. The rain started to pound down harder, Derek dove into the water, one of the most horrifying events that will forever haunt me had just taken place. A blinding light struck Derek. Derek would not be leaving the beach alive that night. Derek had been struck by lightning in the water.
Everyone ran out ofthe tent to see if Derek was still alive or not. Mark and Lindsey both dove into the water to carry Derek out. while Trixie called the authorities for an ambulance. Lily tried everything she could to see if he was alive. She checked his pulse. nothing. She checked his heartbeat. nothing. She checked his breathing. nothing. no more than 10 minutes later, an ambulance arrived on the scene.
Four paramedics jumped out of the vehicle, three of them picking Derek up and one of them holding the stretcher. Then all four of them jumped back into the vehicle and Derek was driven to the nearest hospital. I wanted to help Derek but I couldn't. Fear took over my body and I couldn't move. Lily looked at me with a look of rage and worriedness. Lily was mad at me and worried for Derek. I knew that as a fact. Derek arrived at the hospital at precisely 17:19. That evening Derek was pronounced dead. He died at 17:54. He had only survived 35 minutes after the incident. And It was all my fault.

DOB: 03.16.2007
TOB: 12:14
DOD: 08.03.2023
AOD: 16
TOD: 17:54

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