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[Y/N King]📌Dougie's Place 8:43 Pm

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[Y/N King]
📌Dougie's Place 8:43 Pm

I finally finished the boys hair now I have time to take a lil quick nap.My alarm that I set went off, time to get my ass up. I started my shower, turned my music on Summer Walker Session 32 and jumped into the shower . I made my way into the bedroom and pulled out the outfits I packed to decide what I was gonna wear. At first I didn't even feel like going to this shit but now i'm kind of excited that I'm going, then you know i gotta support my boys to the max!
As I finally decided on what I was going to wear somebody barged through the door, it was Nya.

"Hey girl you're still here!" she semi screamed

"Well damn gone ahead and give me a heart attack, but yes i'm still here😂" I chuckled

"My bad sis, my bad😂. I was just making sure you didn't dip out on me. & here dougz got you some chic fil a"

"Ouu thanks cause a bitch was lowkey hungry. But, you know that ain't my style. You know we have to support our boys. I just hope there isn't any drama around me going" I mumbled the last part

"We're gonna have fun, fuck the bullshit. & if there is ima fuck whoever up" she said tryna hype me up

"alright, we will see "

"But eat & get dressed, I'm going do the same. I should be done in 30."


She popped her head back in

"And oh talking about going support our boys.. knowing you going for Kay" she smirked

"whatever" i rolled my eyes at her

I ate my food then got dressed then went in the living room to wait for Nya. Arion already had left already to go meet up with the boys. I checked the time and it was 9:36 which was perfect timing,because they weren't going on stage until around 12. 5 minutes later Nya made her way out, looking good asf.

"What, why you smiling at me like that?😒" I said mugging her.

"Cause you looking some sexy and I'm also happy because we going see our men perform 😁" Nya said grinning

"Omg stop it!! But you look good asf too. And Kay is not my man"

"Now who said I was talking about Kay?" she eyed me

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