Chapter 6- I never wanted to say

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A DEPRAC van stopped in front of 35 Portland Row. The sirens blaring.

Agents wearing yellow hazmat suits walked in and out of the house. Shouting orders to each other. Some of them cleaned the house up with salt to make sure the ghost wouldn't haunt the house. 

"It's a Mughal dagger." George said. "Indian. 16th century. They usually come in pairs, so if we find the other one, we find who killed Carver."

"No. You've had your shot. You made yourselves too conspicuous. Bickerstaff's mirror, the bone glass, it's Fittes' business now." Barnes decided. 

"You can't be serious." Lockwood groaned. 

"But they'll screw it up. It'll get into the wrong hands." George protests. 

"Not your problem anymore." Barnes said strictly. "I mean, look around. You've got no safeguards, no supervision, and I don't have the time or resources to protect you." 

"Inspector, I know you don't like us--" Lockwood starts. 

"I never said--" Barnes interrupts. 

"-or our methods, and that's fine. But they work. We found Annabel Wards' murderer. No one else knows that, but you do. Come on, we're good. Now, I'm begging you, please, just give us this chance to find the mirror." Lockwood pleads. 

Barnes looked at Y/n who looked back questioningly. "What about you, Carlyle?  You're unusually quiet."

Y/n avoided eye contact with the boys knowing they will look at her with hope and their eyes filled with promises that will never happen. 

"I think...I think we should finish the job. We're better placed than anyone else." Y/n said. "It's our choice and we know the risks, you should let us." 

"Fine." Barnes sighed. "But I'm not asking you, I'm telling you, be smart." Barnes warned. "You're dealing with real-life criminals here. Flesh and blood. So you stick to the psychical side. Locate the bone glass. Leave the rest to DEPRAC." Barnes warned. 

A knock on the door startled the four. "Sir? Critical incident in Kilburn." The red-headed woman said. 

Barned turned around to look at the teens. "Don't let this be the last time I see the three of you alive." He said strictly and left. 

"Am I doing the right thing?" Barnes asked the redhead. 

"You warned them. What else can you do?" She assures. "They're the ones with the talent." 

"Yeah." Barnes sighed. "Poor sods."


George, Y/n and Lockwood climbed up the steps to their rooms when Lockwood looked back and saw the death glow of Carver on the floor. The sound of sirens going away echoed through the quiet London air. Lockwood glanced up at the locked white door on the landing. He sighed and walked into his room, and closed the door. 

~A few hours later, in the morning~

Lockwood knocked on the glass that George had broken. 

"I should catch you guys up on my Bickerstaff research." George said. 

"What happened to the window?" Lockwood asks.

"Oh, uh...a bird flew into it." George lied. "So, um it turns out that he was a highly respected clinician, psychiatrist, a pioneer of new techniques." George said passionately. "He held secret gatherings in his house in Hampstead, and it would have remained secret too if it wasn't for Mary Dulac." 

"Who's Mary Dulac?" Lockwood asks. 

"She's a guest that went missing. Vanished into thin air after attending one of his meetings." Y/n said. 

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