Chapter 2- Let go of me

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Y/n was floating in some sort of yellowish water, eyes closed. Her lashes fluttered open revealing a woman with long red hair, wearing a beautiful yellow dress and holding some flowers. Y/n brows furrowed with concern as she stared at the woman. 

The woman turned her head, revealing the woman haunting that house. Sure enough, she was beautiful with soft pleasant facial features, long red hair stunning greenish blue eyes and red lips.

"Let go of me." Echoed

Y/n's eyes widened a little in panic. 

"Let go of me..." She said in an enchanting voice.

The woman's fingers let go of the bouquet of flowers and it made it's way to Y/n. 

"Let go of me..."

"Let go of me!" 

The woman stared at Y/n.


Y/n's hand twitched a little as they finally found it's feeling. Her hand grasped the ring in her palm. Y/n groaned softly as she got up from jumping off a burning building.

She coughed into her elbow, looking around for Lockwood. "Lockwood?" Y/n calls out brokenly.

"Lockwood?" Y/n asked.

Y/n coughed once again, the fumes were very strong. "Lockwood?" She calls out again.

"Found one!" A voice said

"Lockwood!" Y/n calls out in panic.

"Over her!" Someone calls as Y/n coughs once again.

"Lockwood!" Y/n yells.

"We're DEPRAC." Someone said. "Is there anyone else here?"


A hospital curtain opened up, revealing Y/n wearing an hospital gown connected to an IV. 

"Miss Lockwood?" The nurse asked.

"No, that's the agency's name. My name is Y/n Carlyle." Y/n corrects. 

"Sorry, there must have been a mix-up." The nurse apologizes. 

"Lockwood's my partner." Y/n said.

The nurse looked at her.

"Well, um, more like my employer, so he is my boss technically." Y/n said giggling awkwardly.

"Is he here?" Y/n asks.

"No. We called your mother." The nurse told her.

Y/n eyes widened with panic, "I-um, You didn't tell her where I was right?" Y/n asks hopefully.

"She didn't ask, love, she sounded very busy, I'll get the doctor to check you over. Stay there. Rest up until the doctor tells you all is well." The nurse told her.

Y/n smiled awkwardly and watched the nurse leave. Once she did, Y/n ripped the IV from her arm and climbed off the bed. She grabbed her boots and jacket from the chair and walked to a bouquet of flowers, similar to the ones the woman had. She grabbed a few from the bouquet. 

Y/n opened the door and saw a lift. 

"Miss Carlyle?" The doctor asked. "Y/n Carlyle?" The doctor asked again.

Y/n opened another door, revealing a large room with multiple patients inside with IV's and many other wires connected to them, some sort of wore was connected to their head as well, keeping track.

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