Chapter 1- This will be us

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A green light flickered to life, shaped like a flower. 

"Thank you." A boy said.

"Thank you." A girl said.

"I'm gonna test you on the plan in random order." The boy said playfully to the girl.

"Never know which one we'll need and when" He mutters.

"It's vital we can communicate quickly and clearly in as few words as possible." The boy instructs, a sword visible. 

"Good start. Took you thirty seconds to explain what you're about to do." The girl said. 

"Don't be facetious, Y/n. We really don't have time. Now, what's plan C?" He asked. 

The girl, now named Y/n. "Plan C means whoever isn't in combat makes a defensive circle." Y/n answers as they walk towards a house. 

"Plan E means you fight the visitor, I deal with the source. Plan D is the other way round. Plan B is salt bombs. Plan A is lavender water and Plan F is Greek fire, which should only be used indoors under carefully controlled circumstances." Y/n explains. 

The two stepped into like revealing a beautiful young girl with soft Y/h/c Y/h/s, which was Y/h/l and down, she had a pair of doe like y/e/c eyes and soft pink lips. She wore a black jumper and jeans.

The boy beside her was a handsome young man with blackish brown hair styled perfectly, and a pair of ebony eyes, he wore a shite shirt, black cloak, a tie and black formal pants. 

"Ten out of ten." He told her smiling.

"There were only six." She replies. 

"Damn. I will have to think of another four." He joked.

"Thought there wasn't any time to be facetious." Y/n repeats sarcastically. 

Anthony smirked and and pulled up his sleeve, revealing his wrist watch. He checked the time. "Well, we're slightly ahead of schedule."

The two reached the porch of the house and climbed up. 

"Are you sure this is the right address?" Y/n asked.

Anthony looked at her. "62 Sheen Road. Mrs. Hope." He replied. 

Anthony pressed the doorbell. "Quarter to six on the dot." 

Anthony, getting impatient banged on the front door. 

Inside the house, a shadow passed. 

"Ah." Anthony mutters turning around. 

"Here she comes." Anthony straightened his tie and fixed his posture. Y/n turned around to look at what he was seeing. 

"Are you from the agency?" A woman asked.

Y/n turned around to reveal an old woman with short brown hair with fringes. She was dressed well. 

Lockwood stepped forward his rapier jingling. "I'm Anthony Lockwood, this is my colleague, Y/n Carlyle." Y/n nodded and smiled at the woman. "We've come about your problem. Care to show us inside?" Lockwood asks politely. 

"Oh no, I wouldn't step a foot inside. Not since my husband passed. Not he passed." Mrs. Hope said looking down. 

Lockwood looked at her in sympathy and nodded. "The disturbances have been very persistent. I...I'm going to sell it, but it need fixing first." The woman explains. 

"That is exactly what we do." Lockwood assures. 

"Locate the visitor, contain the source. A safe space means a satisfied customer." Y/n told her smiling. 

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