Chapter 29

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"It's just a class reunion," Izuku tells Tomura. He had spent the night before mulling things over, debating the best way to tell his other friends about his new boyfriend. He figured bringing Tomura to the class reunion would be a quick and easy way to rip off the bandaid in one go. He didn't want to have several repeats of the same conversation he'd had with Mina, Eijirou, and Denki. 

"Reunion implies that someone like me isn't invited," Tomura says. Izuku plops down on the sofa, and Tomura stands up, getting ready to take his turn in Wii Bowling. He swings his arm back and releases the ball, earning himself a strike. Izuku crosses his arms to pout. Tomura always managed to beat him at whatever game they played, Wii Sports included. 

"People bring friends and significant others every year!" Izuku states. "You being there would be no different."

"Except I'm the guy that wrecked your guy's lives back then." He sits down, and Izuku stands up. He tries really hard to imitate the throw Tomura had just made, but ended up throwing a gutter ball. 

"Fuck!" he exclaims when he takes his second roll and only knocks over two pins. 

"Since when do you cuss like that?" Tomura smirks. 

"I must be spending too much time around you," Izuku grumbles as he plops back down on the couch with his arms crossed over his chest. "This game sucks." 

"No, you just suck." 

"Back to the other conversation, please," Izuku sighs. "So you won't go, then? I think it'll be fine. It's a good way to cross everyone off the list at the same time. You know, my mom is going to want to meet you at some point, too." 

Izuku cringes when he thinks about his mom. Other than quick phone calls and texts, he'd hardly been over to visit her recently. It makes him feel guilty every time she texts him and tells him she misses him, which is a lot. 

"That, I'm more willing to do," Tomura states as he scores another strike. "Something about being in a room with twenty really powerful heroes who hate my guts doesn't really strike my fancy." 

"You know that's not entirely true," Izuku says. "You've met four of them, so that's already a quarter of them who approve."

"Okay, fifteen heroes who hate me. That's still a lot." 

Izuku stands and takes his last turn in the game, succumbing to his total loss. He loosens the remote's wrist strap and deposits the remote onto the coffee table. "No more bowling," he pouts.

"Fine." Tomura sets down his remote next to Izuku's. "And I'm not going to that reunion. I'm willing to do a lot of things for you, but I don't think you're thinking this one through all the way." 

Izuku sighs. 

Maybe Tomura is right. 

"Well, can I at least tell them about you that night? Everyone will be in one place, and I can talk to them about it before you have to meet them, so it's less awkward and scary." 

"That's a better idea," Tomura tells him. He grabs Izuku's hips and pulls him into his lap. "But if I were to just show up, I'm pretty sure it's gonna be on sight for me with a lot of them, and I don't feel like beating up your friends. It's not a very boyfriend-like thing to do." 

Izuku leans his head back onto Tomura's shoulder and kisses his neck. Tomura leans into the kisses, closing his eyes as he rests his head on the back of the couch. 

"True," Izuku says after kissing Tomura's neck one final time. "So I'll just tell them about us at the reunion, then. You can meet them later, but they are going to want to officially meet you at some point." 

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