Chapter 16

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Izuku pulls the chair from his desk and angles it toward Shigaraki before taking a seat. Before the other can say anything, Izuku starts the conversation. 

"I'm really sorry about what happened, I know I tend to be clingy in my sleep and I didn't even mean to fall asleep, let alone all cuddled up to you, and I know I probably made you feel uncomfortable, so I'm really sorry about that!" Izuku's apology is a mess, and he turns bright red as he realizes how poorly he's handling this. 

Shigaraki does nothing but stare at the floor as Izuku continues to word vomit at him. 

"I really appreciate you inviting me over and all, and I'm really sorry I overstayed my welcome like that and made you uncomfortable-"

"Midoriya," Shigaraki says sternly, cutting off the hero. "I... I wasn't uncomfortable." 

Izuku's head is spinning now. "Oh." 

"I mean," Shigaraki starts, and Izuku notices a faint blush across the man's cheeks. "I just- ugh, I don't even know how to say it." 

Izuku remains silent and waits for Shigaraki to finish his thought. He's afraid that if he starts talking again, he won't stop. His nerves are going haywire, and he isn't sure what to think anymore. He wants to ask Shigaraki what he means by that, but he doesn't want to make anything weirder than it already is. 

"What I mean to say is that I liked having you over," Shigaraki finally says, his voice quiet but steady. "I... liked sleeping in the same bed as you." 


Oh. Shit. 

Izuku's face is burning even more now. He clenches his hands into fists in his lap and tries to calm his heart rate. He doesn't even know how to respond to Shigaraki. 

He must have stayed quiet for too long because Shigaraki is now getting up from the bed and heading toward the door in a hurry. "This is stupid. Fucking stupid," he's muttering under his breath. Izuku's chest aches when he sees the man trying to leave, and before he can think about what he's doing, he stands up and grabs Shigaraki's hand, tugging him closer.

"Wait!" Izuku desperately calls. 

Izuku stumbles over the edge of the carpet and falls forward, landing against Shigaraki's chest. He's still holding his hand while the other reaches out and latches onto his former Nemesis's shirt tightly to keep himself from falling. Shigaraki throws his arm around the hero's waist, helping him steady himself. 

Izuku looks up, and their eyes lock. He lets out a quick exhale, and Shigaraki tenses, his breath audibly catching in his throat. Izuku is no longer thinking about anything else as he stares into Shigaraki's crimson eyes, which seem to pierce straight through him. Everything around them seems to pause. 

Suddenly, Shigaraki pulls Izuku around and presses him against the door, roughly grabbing the hero's chin to angle his face up toward his. He presses his forehead against Izuku's, and his hands begin to tremble. 

For the first time all day, Izuku's mind is completely blank. Not a single thought is flying through his head anymore. All he can think about is how close Shigaraki is and how his breath feels as it skates across Izuku's lips. He parts his lips slightly, absentmindedly running his tongue across his bottom lip. 

"Please," Shigaraki whispers, barely audible. "Please, please..." 

Izuku's head is fuzzy, and his chest feels warm, pressed up against Shigaraki like this. He can only think of one thing Shigaraki might be begging him for. So, he leans forward and presses their lips together softly. 

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