-Study Day-

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Tyler x Logan

Tyler POV:
Tomorrow we have a history test and everyone but Logan and Ben forgot. Logan offered to help us study but everyone is busy. I was supposed to go to baseball practice but thank go it was canceled so I can go hangout with Logan.
"Bye Tay!" I yell up the stairs and close the door behind me. Logan doesn't live too far away but not close enough to walk so I move Taylor's bike and grab mine.

Logan POV:
Omg omg omg! I'm freaking outttt!!! I invited the group to study at my place but everyone was busy so now only Tyler is coming. And my rooms a mess! If it was the whole group I wouldn't mind since they'd trash it but it's just me and Tyler. I stop on the middle step. Should we hangout in my room or on the sofa? My room is darker for if we wanna play a movie when we're don't but not the best place to focus. Downstairs is the best to study and have snacks but the sofa is small. Downstairs it is I guess. I continue going down the stairs. I clean the sofa, readjust the sheets, and put down 2 blankets and pillows. I get my history books and flash cards and plop them on the table. SHOOT HES GONNA BE HER IN 3 MINUTES!! I don't think I forgot anything. Books, check, flash cards, check, blankets, check, snacks, SNACK I NEED SNACKS. I rush to the kitchen grabbing some chips, flaming hot Cheetos and Fritos. Then I get the small candy bowl my parents have. Somehow I convinced them to get new candy.

Tyler's POV:
Just knock. It's not a big deal. I check my watch, but I'm 3 minutes early, what if he isn't ready? I'll just sit by my bike for now then. I plop next to my bike that I parked on the edge of his driveway. My god it must have been an hour by now, and it's only been a minute. *he sighs* screw it! *Tyler gets up and walks towards the door. He takes a long deep breath and then knocks, very quietly*

3rd person POV:
"Hi Tyler!" Logan says opening the door almost the second Tyler knocks
"Hey Logan, sorry im a bit early" he says rubbing the back of his neck.
"No problem, come in, you can sit on the sofa." Logan says waving Tyler in then closing the door with a warm smile on his face. Tyler sits down and waits for Logan.
"Want a water?" Logan asks opening the fridge and grabbing a water for himself.
"Yes please" Tyler says, being unusually polite. Logan plops on the sofa and hands Tyler a water bottle.
"First did you read chapter 5?" Logan ask.
"...no." Tyler says hesitantly
"Oh boy" Logan jokes

After studying:
"For once I think i get history" Tyler jokes
"Yeah, oh it's already dark. Do you wanna sleepover then?" Logan asked while putting some dishes in the sink.
"Yeah that sound good" Tyler said with his face going bright red.
"Here let me out a movie for us to watch." Logan says as he grabs the remote and puts on a random movie.
"Thanks for helping me study." Tyler says stuttering
"Of course! Are you cold? I mean you look like you're shivering." Logan asks confused
"Y-yeah!" Tyler was turning into a full on tomato. Logan lifts up the blanket on top of him and scoots over closer to Tyler and sits close to him, his cheeks going slightly pink.  "Want some chips?" Logan says holding up the bowl of flaming hot Cheetos. Tyler trying to hide his blushing face grabs a handful and shoves it in his mouth. "Holy shit!" Tyler mutters while eating. "You good?" Logan asks looking at him. "Why is it so hottt" Tyler says fanning his face. Logan giggles, he never really noticed the spice.
"Don't laugh at my painnnn" he said drinking the whole bottle of water. "Let me get you milk" Logan says and gets up bringing a glass of milk back. Tyler grabs it and chugs. "Thank god!" Logan let's put a giggle, Tyler looks at Logan with admiration. Once Logan stops laught he hands Tyler the fritos. "I think this is more your speed" he giggles and covers his mouth. Tyler takes a couple and mumbles out of "yeah"

Halfway through the movie:
Tyler looks over at Logan and notices him dozing off. He moves him slightly closer to himself and hugs him. He lays down on his side on the sofa then holds Logan's waist and places him on top of his chest. He turns off the movie and tucks himself and Logan in. To help himself fall asleep he strokes Logan's hair behind his ears and takes off Logan's glasses. Before he realized he dozed off.

Morning, Logan POV:
Mhmm, what am I laying on? It's oddly warm and comfy. *he snuggles into me the surface (aka Tyler and falls back asleep.*

Hour later:
*logan slowly wakes up and opens his eyes. His face goes bright red* "T-Tyler?" He stutters his face slowly turning red. Tyler wakes up all groggy. He blinks a couple times and  then realizes the situation. "Omg, I'm so sorry!" Tyler says slightly backing up. "No, no, it's okay... I like it, you're comfortable." Logan says holding onto Tyler and whispers the last part. "What?" Tyler says turning red. "You think I'm comfortable?" He teases. Logan stuffs his face into Tyler's chest. They stay like that for a while and then start watching shows together.


941 words
Ahhhh, the ending is so cute!!!
Sorry this took so long!
Feel free to give any recommendations :))))

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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